census造句151. According data of National Bureau of the Census, population of China has almost raise once fold during 1955 to 1995, reach to 12bm.
152. But " poverty " in America , as defined by the Census Bureau, does not mean destitution.
153. Add in the 3.4 million married people who told the Census that they live separately but aren't "separated, " and our total rises to more than 10 million individuals—or 5 million LDRs.
154. As required by the Roman census which was a head count of Israel for taxation purposes.
155. They'll have to revise the census returns before I'm done with this place.
156. Herman Hollerith gets a contract for processing the 1900 census data using punched cards.
157. Most often , though, census takers are politely received and assisted.
158. Census Bureau . Japan, Macau San Marino and Singapore ranked second, third,[/census.html] fourth and fifth.
159. If you have any enquiries on this article, please call 2006 Population By-census Office, Census and Statistics Department (Tel. : 2716 8025).
160. China was the big unknown quantity until l 953, when a census was carried out.
161. See U.S. Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Statistics, www.census.gov/indicator/www/ustrade.html.
162. Topcon - 7100 automatic optometry instrument can be used as the census tool.
163. If you prefer, you can schedule a visit with your census taker.
164. According to the fifth national census in 2000 statistics, the Uzbek population of 12370.
165. The new record-breaking tree was discovered in Dalarna in 2004 when Swedish researchers were carrying out a census of tree species in the region, Kullman said.
166. This census is an invaluable resource for tracing family history.
167. The hunt, officials here and in Moscow said, could resume as soon as this year or next, once a census is carried out and an annual quota that would not threaten the bears is set.
168. Despite the downbeat numbers, the Census data still show the value of education.
169. It may be mentioned in passing that the Chinese tithing system is intimately connected with the so-called census.
170. Official census figures show that non-white births constituted 48.6% of children born in the US between July 2008 and 2009.
171. One authority made a census of the spiders in a grass field in the south of England, and he estimated that there were more than 2,250,000 in < ...
172. Census data determines the distribution of federal funds and electoral district boundaries.
173. All other traffic is allowed to pass the census point without being halted.
174. U. S. Bureau of the Census. Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970.
175. The Open Source Census (OSC) has recently published a report meant to reveal the usage of open source software across the enterprise and across the world.
176. Herman Hollerith gets a contract for processing the 1900 census data using punched cards. His firm was eventually named IBM in 1924.
177. The Census Bureau about a person's economic status in the calendar year before forms are distributed.
178. Directly governed by the state, the county people were the major subjects of census register recordation.
179. The census bureau is an organ of the commerce department.
180. According to the last census (2000), 94.6% of Thais are Buddhists of the Theravada tradition.