快好知 kuaihz

61. Gregg immortalized himself by replying that his ammunition was exhausted but that he thought he could hold with the bayonet. 62. This somewhat unexpected decision gave ammunition to those who felt the schema on priestly life was too spiritual in tone. 63. The terrorist group is believed to have significant quantities of guns, ammunition, and explosives. 64. Contracts for rifles, wagons, uniforms, boots, corn, ammunition, artillery, and ships poured out of Washington. 65. He'd have been kicked out of here if it wasn't obvious that he'd actually used live ammunition. 66. In 1990, his moral and political ammunition spent, Green was ushered out the door into a new assignment. 67. Up to the last minute the enormous problems of ammunition supply to the guns had not been overcome. 68. The army's next line of defence concerns the use of live ammunition. 69. A federal affidavit links Warren with schemes to purchase 500, 000 rounds of ammunition. 70. Last winter, he was unable to stockpile weapons and ammunition. 71. He had gone away to get more ammunition and fired twice more. 72. The roads for miles were choked with supply wagons, ammunition trains, and rumbling batteries. 73. The provision of reasons for decisions has become unpopular because reasons give more ammunition for challenge and negligence claims: see 14.7.7. 74. One would think a closer like Hernandez would run low of ammunition after one inning. 75. Johnson became committed to discrediting the civil rights movement and asked Hoover to provide the ammunition. 76. Ammunition, grenades, and demolition explosives went off in a deadly firework display. 77. In fact it is these abuses that have provided the ammunition to bring the entire concept of headship into disrepute. 78. When you are issued with ammunition pouches immediately after this briefing, you will draw either red or yellow paint shells. 79. But this new research has given me just the ammunition I need. 80. The enemy seemed to have an inexhaustible supply of ammunition. 81. I gave him a full deflection burst for good measure and then my ammunition ran out. 82. A great deal of traffic was involved in moving ammunition and bombs for the many airfields in the vicinity. 83. His lank locks had to be shorn and he had to be kitted-out with battle-dress and ammunition boots. 84. It is likely that the report will provide added ammunition to environmentalists who have for long opposed the blanket afforestation of uplands. 85. Unfortunately they carried no ammunition and all guns were still packed in grease. 86. Check your ammunition, see your guns are right, Wait until a convoy comes creeping through the night. 87. He tucked the polythene bag into the waterproofed ammunition pouch. 88. The soldiers kept on firing until they had no more ammunition. 89. They also recovered some stolen ammunition during a dawn raid on this flat in Notting Hill. 90. We now knew that we were trapped, with only a few rounds of ammunition left.