快好知 kuaihz

271. We think, assist this world is conditional also should advance agricultural modernization to place important program. 272. When the state process has Markov property, the recursive formulae for the conditional distribution density functions of filtering, prediction. and interpolation, are given respectively. 273. In the COBOL system, the information represented by a data item, arithmetic expression, or conditional expression. 274. Conditional variance analysis showed that genes from different genetic system expressed discontinuously in the whole growth period. 275. Indulgences were normally conditional on venerating a relic , performing some religious practice, or making a gift. 276. The concept of the conditional information quantity of knowledge is introduced in the information system, and its decreasing property of the changing tendency is proved. 277. The formula of total probability , conditional probability and bayes formula are elementary formulas of probability theory. 278. The invention shortens adjusting time of beam to improve beam transmission rate, which reduces splashing pollution to provide better conditional beam alopecia. 279. Information entropy and conditional information entropy are defined to express indispensable of attributes under incomplete information systems. 280. There are two main doctrines on the legal character of securities counter. purchase:doctrine of collateral loan and dextrine of conditional sale. 281. One is to make all engine changes conditional on a version flag. 282. You're invested in identification with attention and the body - mind, and conditional objects altogether. 283. Two layer regular polygon central configurations of 2N-body problems are studied. The conditional equations and existence proof of these solutions of the problems are given. 284. When working with conditional code, you often know which branch is most likely and which is not. 285. The two clauses can be reversed in a conditional sentence with no change in meaning. 286. A new point—evaluation method for structural system reliability analysis is proposed based on conditional probability and numerical analysis method. 287. Based on the analysis of the relationship between safety and reliability, a model for aircraft safety analysis is established from the viewpoint of conditional probability. 288. In performance and visual quality, the algorithm is better than the wavelet denoising based on discrete orthogonal wavelet transform and the conditional median value filtering method. 289. In the meantime, we are still working to obtain a letter from the school district for submittal to a Conditional Use Permit to retain the current multi-purpose building.