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91 Explanation: Today, the Sun crosses the celestial equator heading north at 0548 UT. 92 Mr. Quilp was serenely gazing at the stars, quite absorbed in celestial contemplation. 93 Planetary differences between the celestial bodies in the Inner and Outer Solar System are observed. 94 The IAU decides the official names of all celestial bodies. 94try its best to gather and build good sentences. 95 The angular distance between two celestial bodies as seen from Earth. 96 Summary: Pocket Stars is an astronomy application featuring an integrated star chart, ephemeris, and celestial navigation calculator. 97 "There's a definite logic to his analysis, " Phillip Sadler, a celestial navigation expert at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told Space.com. 98 The recommendation has the demand net friend purchase, mentions the celestial pole network also to have the further price preferential benefit. 99 The theory of knowledge of vulgar sociology roots in the classical outlook on science with Newton's Celestial Mechanics and Dualism of Descartes as the core. 100 Equinox means equal night and with the Sun on the celestial equator, Earth dwellers will experience nearly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. 101 The new telescope sits among four other high-powered instruments on the summit of Cerro Paranal in Chile's Atacama Desert, an optimum location far enough from city lights to view celestial wonders. 102 Explanation: Today, the Sun crosses the celestial equator heading north at UT. 103 And this bay report is bought is this trading activator, this trades to medium of bright celestial bodies, the most important is to reach with hubble-bubble net amalgamative. 104 Now I am called on earth to enjoy celestial felicity. 105 Copernicus published his theory as De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium ('On the Revolutions of Celestial Spheres') and dedicated this masterpiece to Pope Paul III. 106 He would hear and sing those songs to others inapprehensible, the celestial music. 107 The trip to moon will take three to four months, via a naturally occurring celestial "rest stop" called a Lagrange Point. 108 Planets and stars often are occulted by other celestial bodies. 109 Zhang Heng also made the first water-driven celestial globe in the world to measure the position of celestial bodies, which was carved with known important astronomical phenomena. 110 Celestial civilization cultivates a Temporal - Space Ontology which is essential for this. 111 The computer is put by cactus and celestial being that better? 112 RACID's are successfully employed in star tracking and celestial navigation applications where only designated stars within the canopy of space are read and processed for positional vectoring. 113 He is regarded as god, celestial being , flesh Bodhisattva, arhat, solitary realizer or Bodhisattva. 114 This includes instruction in statics. kinetics. dynamics. kinematics. celestial mechanics. stress and failure. and electromagnetism. 115 Native American flutist, A. Brent Chase performs with celestial soundscapes musician Gerald Jay Markoe to create music that is grounded in the earth yet connected to the stars. 116 Four bright celestial beacons and a faint triangle of light follow the plane of the ecliptic as it arcs high through this southern hemisphere night skyscape. 117 With the help of celestial cattle, the Cowhand flew to heaven with his son and daughter. 118 A highly efficient and adaptive way of extracting observed starts from the sky is proposed according to the characteristics of celestial coordinates for real-time computer simulation of star images. 119 Does outside outer space still have the terrestrial celestial body of image? 120 The detail that the monkey is also regarded as a celestial being is emphasized, which indicates a noticeable clue as to the connection between the original writer and the reviser.