快好知 kuaihz

(121) Rising public outrage eventually forced Intel to reverse its policy and offer replacement chips to anyone who wanted one. (122) It caused outrage around the world among politicians, football fans and administrators. (123) Home Rule's suspension was real, and every attempt to implement it in wartime provoked sufficient Unionist outrage to stop it. (124) As the media went rabid with outrage, a for and against Manson/Family industry began to boom. (125) The service monitored news reports and local government requests for assistance and exercised a federal role restricted to suppressing community outrage. (126) The measure of my outrage and anger was the measure of my love for you. (127) And moral outrage at the use of simple expedients can still run high. (128) Regional officers had lived for many years with successive waves of moral outrage about the scandalous conditions within the asylums. (129) Faults which we might see as trivial would create the same scandal and outrage as criminal behaviour does in our society. (130) But horsemen and owners reacted with outrage to a similar proposal that was later withdrawn. (130) Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! (131) When I felt outrage was I simply a cipher for cultural prejudice? (132) Literature and autobiography are liberally sprinkled with accounts of the indignation and outrage felt when such a promise fails to materialize. (133) For they understood the source of the outrage as well as they knew the source of light. (134) The response - from tacit agreement to outrage - was enormous .... (135) The anarchic music of punk caused public outrage when it first burst upon the scene. (136) Opposition parties have expressed outrage at his flouting of the referendum vote. (137) He is a genuine hate-figure for the libertarian left, who are capable of splendid outrage at the mention of his name. (138) Each of these students has felt anger and outrage at the insults and slurs he or she have experienced. (139) At that time, many gays reacted with outrage at the tactic. (140) It was a letter many students were writing, in outrage. (141) But the story is too big to be kept quiet. Media coverage generates public outrage, if incomplete understanding. (142) Non-conformist outrage at the Education Act was one reason for the Conservative defeat in the election of December 1905. (143) Public outrage eventually forced the paper to reconsider, and the editors decided to run the strip on the religion page. (144) With the flash of a million stars exploding, his brain registered its outrage as he was viciously felled. (145) How many 30-second sound bites have been spent treating outrage in the streets of some other Arab cities as inexplicable? (146) The assault on Chung was greeted with widespread public outrage. (147) The judge in the Wonderland Club case has caused outrage by not using the current maximum sentence of three years. (148) Quarrels were generally messy, involving hot tempers, grief, unpredictable actions, passion, outrage, betrayal. (149) Her speech today evoked surprise and outrage from many French officials. (150) He was in full melodic voice, singing the latest calypso, and did not hear Stephen's shouts of outrage.