快好知 kuaihz

1. Many sea fishes spawn in rivers. 2. She would spawn another child. 3. Triumph followed triumph for the spawn of Naggaroth. 4. An older pair tending their spawn. 5. It's easy to spawn and usually very robust. 6. The fish will spawn among the fine-leaved plants. 7. When the Discus spawn the eggs will hatch in 60 hours. 8. But the scruples would spawn in his head, giving a cynical taint to his image of himself. 9. It's so perfect that they should effortlessly spawn the very stuff which facilitates the clicking of needles and clucking of tongues. 10. Some of these would be the firstborn spawn of hybrids, human in looks yet able to procreate a purestrain Stealer. 11. Only 780,000 tonnes of cod are ready to spawn this year, compared with 1.1 million tonnes in 1991. 12. A Discus is good condition will spawn quite happily in tanks as small as 15 gallons. 13. I felt like a salmon swimming upstream to spawn as I pushed my way through the cars. 14. This is a difficult fish to spawn in the aquarium, and when it spawned successfully, few eggs may be produced. 15. She then releases the spawn, trailing it in and amongst the stems and foliage of submerged plant life. 16. Some species can be extremely difficult to spawn - but keeping large species groups together until they are sexually mature can help. 17. Daemon spawn won't be able to home in and manifest themselves. 18. One of my pairs is actually reluctant to spawn if there is no-one from whom to defend their territory. 19. We're all children of the Serpent, the spawn of the Form Manipulator. 20. If nothing else, the arena is expected to spawn revitalization of a largely neglected area of downtown. 21. More than 2m copies have been sold, and it has helped spawn bombing campaigns across the world. 22. Brood size Neon Tetras are an easy fish to spawn, but it is not an easy feat to raise large broods. 23. It appears from monitoring equipment on individual trout that about 75 percent of these fish are from natural spawn. 24. The rest can be left with the parents, who will probably eat them when they're ready to spawn again. 25. Occasionally a drop would splash against the deck next to my face and spawn smaller drops that landed on my nose. 26. He is busily carving slices of meat from the carcass of a multi-legged Chaos Spawn. 27. Apparently a good diet is the important factor is getting them to spawn. 28. Cyanide fishermen learn exactly where and when grouper go to spawn; they then squirt their poison with practiced precision. 29. There is no mechanism whereby clouds of particular shapes can spawn daughter clouds resembling themselves. 30. I have a cynical notion that all religious revivals spawn from times of extreme economic disparity.