快好知 kuaihz

181. A good teacher is always at least one step ahead of his students. 182. Will they go ahead with their plans, even at the risk of offending the Americans? 183. By advertising our sale a week ahead of the other firm, we stole a march on them. 184. The garage is a mile ahead up the hill-just follow your nose. 185. Take your ease, for the journey ahead will be long and arduous. 186. Everyone lent a hand, so that the work was finished ahead of schedule. 187. Having been duly warned that I would get nowhere with my application, I went right ahead and applied anyway. 188. Go right ahead, I'm sure you don't need me to organize you. 189. He pushed everyone full speed ahead until production hit a bottleneck. 190. I will go ahead with three of you, and the remainder can wait here. 191. If the irrigation plan goes ahead, it could spell disaster for the birds. 192. If we forge ahead continuously without a break, we'll be able to raise efficiency. 193. The road ahead was clear, so I put my foot down. 194. He reckoned the odds are against the scheme going ahead. 195. He's behind the others in reading but a long way ahead in arithmetic. 196. He is so intelligent that he always keeps ahead of his competitors. 197. The government wants figures that help it to plan ahead. 198. You've got a great future ahead of you. Don't blow it . 199. Keep your eyes peeled , Lil , and tell me if you see a blink of sun on those hills ahead. 200. It might be more prudent to get a second opinion before going ahead. 201. To go ahead with the match after such clear advice had been asking for trouble. 202. That weekend in Plattsburgh, he convinced her to go ahead and marry Bud. 203. The Republican candidate said he would "work like crazy to stay ahead". 204. The world drivers' championship leader crossed the line ahead of the Swede. 205. She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead. 206. Tom has got ahead of all other boys in the class. 207. Planning ahead had always come as second nature to her. 208. The government is pressing ahead with its plans to reorganize the health service. 209. This dish may be prepared a day ahead of time and refrigerated. 210. Scotland were ahead in their European championship qualifier in Iceland.