grapple造句31. And we must also grapple with the issue of anonymousspeech.
32. But the new president's most urgent task will be to grapple with the economic crisis.
33. He did all he could to grapple with the enemy.
34. People say Richard Feynman had one of these extraordinary minds that could grapple with ideas of which I have no concept.
35. In his current role, Professor Lyons has had to grapple with another financial crisis.
36. Even as you grapple with the logistical and psychological stress of eldercare, there will be moments when you find yourself on the "blessing path."
37. Swallow Whole: A thunder lizard can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of up to one size smaller by making a successful grapple check.
38. There is every reason for society to undertake programs that grapple with these problems.
39. When the snipe and the clam grapple , it is the fisherman who profits.
40. But the new president's most urgent task will be to grapple with the economic crisis. If he succeeds, Americans of all hues will cheer.
41. So it wouldhelp to compare different approaches and thus provide a broaderperspective as we grapple with the question of what to do with[defendants who have] psychopathic disorders.
42. With lightning feint, one after another pair finally seized hold and began to grapple.
43. He did not at all grapple with the real question.
44. Patients with generalized dystonia grapple with involuntary muscle spasms that lead to uncontrolled twisting and turning in awkward, sometimes painful postures.
45. MCT rebreather, MCT grapple hooks , Diving Communication System , Grapple hook Air Launcher, MCT Diver Life preserver.
46. It is with these problems that Europe now has to grapple.
47. He had weight and might be expected to grapple with a disease and throw it.
48. Pre - 1987 law made an ineffectual effort to grapple with the problem in section 208.
49. He no longer wishes to grapple furiously with his universe.
50. The vulgarians with whom Lily and Ralph grapple unsuccessfully are accurately and acidly observed.
51. If it wins the grapple check , it establishes a hold and can constrict.
52. Companies must grapple with ever - changing markets and regulations, yet IT budgets are being cut.
53. In addition, the astronauts installed a backup ammonia jumper cable between the port 4 and 5 trusses of the station and transferred a power and data grapple fixture from the shuttle to the station.
54. As the debate continues, Mr Donkin needs to grapple with the fact that, particularly in America, ordinary people have seen their incomes stagnate since the 1970s.
55. "The council has been troubled during its history," Brimmer said, "but the best way to really try to grapple [with] serious problems on the council is from the inside as a member."
56. Improved grab(Ex):To use this ability, an ironclad mauler must hit with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity.
57. Grapple over the wall, run to the back and grapple onto the upper balcony.
58. As for himself, he was too tired to grapple fundamentally with the fact.
59. I seen him grapple four, and knock their heads together - him unarmed.'
60. Many investigators had grapple with the problem, usually with poor results.