best-selling造句61. This argument rests on the basic premise that if Java is not the absolute number one best-selling technology in the world, it must not be worth supporting.
62. The olein and the cake rice dregs best-selling nationwide, and exports countries and the area in Thailand, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.
63. A professional noticer, a powerful communicator, a teacher, and a serious fisherman, Andrews is the best-selling author, of The Traveler's Gift, with millions of books in print.
64. GM's best-selling car, the Impala, experienced a 15 percent drop in U.S. sales between the same years.
65. The best-selling island puzzler is back with more than ever!
66. Stephen Covey, the self-help guru and author of the best-selling book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, lists as one of the habits “Begin with the end in mind.”
67. The best-selling author is the inaugural winner for the Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction for his work in The Confession.
68. Eric Shanes has also written best-selling books on Constantin Brancusi, Salvador Dali, David Hockney, Warhol and Pop Art and on the Impressionists in London.
69. He preferred to be known as a writer and was the author of best-selling books and a national newspaper column, in addition to his "60 Minutes" essays.
70. The Dongguan spring core electron Limited company manages silicon-controlled rectifier, field tube, two triodes, rectification bridge best-selling consumer market.
71. A full 25% brighter than its rivals, Trinitron became the best-selling color TV for the next quarter century.
72. IN 1988, Stephen Hawking, a British cosmologist, ended his best-selling book, “A Brief History of Time”, on a cliff hanger.
73. Adapted from Anthony Burgess's best-selling novel, A Clockwork Orange tells the story of Alex and his gang of violent 'droogs' who kill tramps and rape women.
74. To them, as George Friedman pithily puts it in his best-selling The Next 100 Years, which is sometimes displayed near Jacques' tome in airport bookstores these days, China is just "Japan on steroids.
75. In the last year, she said, the best-selling item in her online store has been a kit for building a terrarium in a small glass bubble. "We sold a gazillion of them," she said.