快好知 kuaihz

1, He wondered if the psychiatrist was trying to goad him into some unguarded response. 2, His opposition acted as a goad to her determination to succeed. 3, The offer of economic aid was a goad to political change. 4, His calmness was a goad she hated him for. 5, He was simply doing this to goad her. 6, These moves goad households and businesses into spending more on goods and services. 7, His minders goad him into flapping his fins a bit but there is no spark in his fishy eye. 8, But if he thought that he could goad a reaction out of her then he was sorely mistaken. 9, Meditation is the goad, the bit and the whip of the mind. 10, Should you goad him into attacking you, you might find the aftermath disappointing. 11, Again she went alone, because the Goad case came along and he had to hunt down a gangland killer. 12, No Irina Volkova to goad him with her arrogance and her interference. 13, Alexei searched for the metal-tipped goad which he knew must be somewhere. 14, They walk up the hills and goad the agents into chasing them. 15, To urge or goad to action. 16, A goad, as for prodding cattle. 17, One that acts as a provocative stimulus; a goad. 18, He needed to goad the mage into acting rashly. 19, Very goad to meet you. 20, A slight goad or incentive; a small stimulus. 21, Hunger goad him to steal a loaf of bread. 22, " I want somebody very goad, very safe , to plant that gun, " he told Clemenza. 23, To live to eat is not a goad attitude toward life. 24, Will the pressure applied by environmentalists be enough to goad the industrialized nations into using less fossil fuels? 25, The thought of exams next week is a great goad to the students to work hard. 26, The offer of economic help is intended to act as a goad to political reform. 27, Each year Asbury tried to reach every state in order to goad his men and to supervise their work. 28, Few of the boys talked to him, except to goad him,[http:///goad.html] and he returned the favour. 29, The idea of millennium: this was the goal and the goad behind so much of the mission. 30, Jotan glanced back once, and then he applied the goad energetically to the p'tar's hind quarters.