underlie造句31. Long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD), two forms of synaptic plasticity, are believed to underlie the mechanism of learning and memory.
32. Asystole might underlie many of these deaths, which would have important implications for the investigation of similar patients and affect present cardiac-pacing policies.
33. All these factors which underlie our success have been guaranteed in the Basic Law.
34. Concepts of objects in general underlie all empirical knowledge as its apriori condition.
35. Morality refers to the values that underlie the practices, customs, and activities of a culture.
36. For Computer Scientists, research means searching to uncover the principles that underlie digital computation and communication.
37. Describe the neurochemical and behavioral processes that are thought to underlie the development of alcoholic dementia.
38. Abnormal vasoconstriction of digital arteries and cutaneous arterioles due to a local defect in normal vascular responses is thought to underlie the disorder .
39. Does some personal difficulty underlie his lack of interest in work?
40. The following guidelines underlie many of the more specific criteria for evaluation which will be found later in this book and act as useful guides in approaching any materials evaluation exercise.
41. The mechanisms that underlie induction, maintenance, termination of a tumor dormancy are of great clinical importance.
42. PubMed abstract: Long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission in the hippocampus is the leading experimental model for the synaptic changes that may underlie learning and memory.
43. These doubts underlie the interpretations that we shall now discuss.
44. Even more importantly, the meditator gains greater awareness of their own patterns of feeling and thought, as well as the Intentions which underlie them.
45. The corrida is a synthesis of the classical and romantic principles which underlie all art... and between which the most delicate balance must be kept if the spectacle is to succeed.
46. The Central Dogma of Genomics is a concise summary of the assumptions that underlie this field.
47. The Pope's jurisprudential reflections begin with a catalogue of tendencies that underlie contemporary claims to legal justification for attacks on human life like abortion and euthanasia.
48. These issues also underlie one major difference between OWL Full and OWL DL.
49. The principles which underlie the grant of Poor Relief which it—the Poor Law Relief Report of 1834—lays down are good for all time.
50. This rock type originates in the magma chambers that underlie volcanoes.
51. This course deals with a more advanced treatment of the biochemical mechanisms that underlie biological processes.
52. What drug treatments are available, and what neurochemical mechanisms probably underlie their actions?
53. Describe bipolar depression, and the theories that underlie its present treatment.