revolution造句181. The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.Che Guevara
182. The rising generation of students were more optimistic about the future and did not carry the emotional burdens of the Cultural Revolution.
183. The Vatican had taken a consistently anti-communist line in the years since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
184. After the revolution there was a general amnesty for prisoners and that included criminal elements.
185. The abolition of the death penalty following the revolution remained intact.
186. A revolution in the use of blood transfusions and blood products.
187. For the specter of world revolution still haunts world capitalism, and the Yankee bomb is its ultimate defense.
188. Lenin was not a nationalist, and his central political aim was to preserve the Republic as a springboard for world revolution.
189. The anti-communist revolution, led by Boris Yeltsin, ended with the victory of democratic forces and the people.
190. Revolution, and its betrayal by a regime which both prescribes and proscribes literature, are described in both works.
191. Could 1992 be the year when the environmental revolution really comes of age?
192. Every revolution was first a thought in one man's mind.Ralph Waldo Emerson
193. There is recognition of the political resistance at home to waging wars against the colonial revolution in the name of anticommunism.
194. The industrial revolution, among other things, necessarily produced general literacy.
195. One has led to the written constitution, but it has also led to revolution and at times tyranny.
196. And the revolution in the structure of services and management meant elderly frail people found it increasingly difficult to assert their rights.
197. How would the association mark the anniversary of the Great October Revolution?
198. But the pattern of revolution Guevara had in mind did not correspond to the reality.
199. For most of the industrial revolution, serious wealth was made by bringing processes under central control.
200. Equality in poverty might mean civil population contentment whereas glaring inequalities sow the seeds of a class struggle or revolution.
201. The radical right's anxieties had been further strengthened by the effects of the Bolshevik revolution of 1917.
202. Their differences have arisen out of a debate about how best to preserve the revolution.
203. Several demonstrators were badly injured as police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd in Revolution Square last Saturday.
204. The Stolypin reforms, Soviet historians would maintain, had not solved the basic problem which made revolution inevitable.
205. One is the speed with which the revolution in biology has been effected.
206. The nature of the revolution, its many twists and turns, forces historians to declare their political agenda at the outset.
207. The Mullahs nest great battle with the Shah came over his White Revolution in the early 1960's.
208. Following the Industrial Revolution, many trees became blackened by smoke and on these the speckled moths were suddenly highly conspicuous.
209. The threat of violence and real fear of revolution prompted the Government to adopt limited constitutional changes.
210. He also argues that, in its turn, the Scientific Revolution had some effect on the visual arts.