快好知 kuaihz

61. Wheels won't bite on a slippery surface. 62. The miners' strike is really starting to bite. 63. The dog gave me a playful bite. 64. I haven't had a bite all morning. 65. He soon recovered from the snake's bite. 66. Let's just grab a quick bite. 67. There's a bite in this cold wind. 68. Llamas won't bite or kick. 69. Can I have a bite of your apple? 70. If you provoke the dog, it will bite you. 71. A bite of something might pick you up. 72. Cheese will add extra bite to any pasta dish. 73. He took a bite out of the pear. 74. Some fish can give you a nasty bite. 75. I took a bite from the apple. 76. Come on, scaredy cat - it won't bite you! 77. My leg puffed up all round the insect bite. 78. Well go and ask him - he won't bite! 79. There seems to be a bite to his words. 80. The performance had no bite to it. 81. They all wanted a bite of the cherry. 82. Her body was covered in bite marks . 83. Spiders generally bite only in self-defence. 84. This apple's good; do you want a bite? 85. The fishermen waited all afternoon for a bite. 86. He took another bite of apple. 87. You cannot eat a bun in one bite. 88. If you criticize him, he'll bite back. 89. She picked up the sandwich and took a bite. 90. Goat's cheese adds extra bite to any pasta dish.