快好知 kuaihz

stir up造句
1. As usual, Harriet is trying to stir up trouble. 2. His speech was calculated to stir up the crowd. 3. She's always trying to stir up scandal. 4. Don't stir up trouble between them. 5. Before painting, you should stir up the paint a bit. 6. Their aim was to stir up feeling against the war. 7. Whenever he's around, he always manages to stir up trouble. 8. What they are doing is bound to stir up controversy. 9. It seems to stir up emotions and rake over apparently quiescent turmoil. 10. Don't deliberately stir up trouble. 5 Pray for the person that is picking on you. 11. For many of us, these long winter nights stir up painful memories and fearful thoughts. 12. How dared this man, a virtual stranger, stir up these doubts in so private an area of her life? 13. The murder of anti-Soviet activists abroad would stir up fierce controversy at home. 14. And, of course, if he did stir up trouble he could always be put inside again. 15. For lawyers, unlike most accountants, love to stir up trouble. 16. So Renwick kept the conversation innocuous, nothing to stir up any more tension in Moore. 16.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 17. Attempts to stir up nationalistic feeling at such times are bound to be self-defeating. 18. The dismissal of such people would stir up controversy the president would just as soon avoid. 19. Next, stir up the eggs with the milk. 20. They argued that his presence in the village could only stir up trouble. 21. We appreciate the investment, without which we would be unable to stir up the trouble that gives our lives meaning. 22. Whenever there is a chance, she and her partners will emerge and stir up trouble. 23. How extraordinary that a waif-like singer in her 20s - however you judge her talents - can stir up so much feeling. 24. Male speaker Anybody with strong convictions that what he is doing is right is bound to stir up controversy. 25. There was thus little in the second reign to stir up renewed animosity towards the Woodvilles. 26. If their tendency is that they are likely or intended to stir up racial hatred, that is sufficient. 4. 27. She hated being the centre of attention, but at least it would serve to stir up an interest in her business. 28. They scheduled a night meeting at the Dreamland Skating Rink on Jan. 25 to stir up the righteous. 29. This has caused humanitarian problems that have helped to stir up racism and hatred. 30. Certainly, looming cancellation, panting adolescents and constant comparisons with a big star stir up inner turmoil.