paralyzed造句1. He is paralyzed from the waist down.
2. The accident left her paralyzed from the waist down.
3. A stroke paralyzed half his face.
4. The climber was paralyzed in a fall, and couldn't walk.
5. The army paralyzed the enemy's fighting will.
6. She was paralyzed with terror.
7. The electricity failure paralyzed the train service.
8. The country was paralyzed by a series of strikes.
9. He is paralyzed as the result of a would - be assassin's bullet years ago.
10. A stroke left her partially paralyzed.
11. An ice storm at dawn paralyzed St. Louis traffic.
12. The accident left him permanently paralyzed.
13. Haiphong, the main northern port, was paralyzed.
14. Such issues have paralyzed some Protestant churches in recent times.
15. You are paralyzed by the thought that you can totally flub up by missing a step.
16. Underfunded and paralyzed by provincial bureaucracies, these old schools had failed to educate.
17. He lay there motionless for several minutes, paralyzed by the stupidity of it all.
18. When she contracted polio, which paralyzed her left leg, she was told she would never walk again.
19. But she was still paralyzed, and they could work no miracle.
20. Both amphibians and reptiles are paralyzed by cold, and are therefore confined to the temperate zones and tropics.
21. Each human face is paralyzed by fear, eyes riveted on the sea.
22. Walken is particularly nasty as a paralyzed gangster who gets what fun he can by making people squirm.
22. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday!
23. Most of the Others were too paralyzed with fright to move; but some began a slow, stumbling retreat.
24. Evans lives on disability because of an accident that left her paralyzed.
25. Everything was coming true, then right out of high school I contracted polio and was completely paralyzed within a week.
26. From a mail-order house she ordered a battery-operated galvanic device which applied the stimulation of low-voltage electrical current to his paralyzed limbs.
27. By bestowing gifts of monopoly and protection, mercantilist policies paralyzed the body politic.
28. He crumpled to the ice with a shattered fourth cervical vertebra, his body paralyzed from the neck down.
29. Most patients succumb when the diaphragm and rib muscles become paralyzed, and breathing becomes impossible.
30. All around the crater, figures were standing in attitudes of paralyzed astonishment.