快好知 kuaihz

1 Some may even love all those silly electronic gizmos you want to wow them with. 2 He didn't seem to miss the gadgets and gizmos, though. 3 Manufactured by Austin House, these little gizmos are designed to help adjust on-board air pressure to the eardrums. 4 Tian yanked a black plastic gizmo out of the box. 5 It's not naturaI to taIk into a pIastic gizmo to someone you can't even see! 6 Gizmo Drive serves two main purposes: virtual CD-ROM drive (ISO/IMG files) and encrypted, virtual hard drive. 7 Thanks to a new gizmo , you now need to face the music dance. 8 The Binary Clock, the ultimate gizmo for people who laugh in the face of time, play tiddlywinks on the lap of destiny, and boil bratwurst in the kitchen of fate. 9 What is this silly little gizmo on the bottom for? 10 This is modern Japan, a Gizmo Nation where even grandmothers make friends with their gadgets. 11 That gizmo there is actually the key to move forward. 12 Thanks to a new gizmo, you now just need to face the music and dance. 13 There may be some great new gizmo around the corner that you will want to use. 14 And in this issue, I review yet another anti-heron gizmo which switches on the fountain when the heron alights. 15 Children used to computer games will enjoy this, but the gizmos will soon seem out of date. 16 Each isolated farm has electricity, a newish car or two and is full of gadgets and gizmos. 17 Being tested was: Can small units, equipped with high-tech gizmos, stop or slow down a much larger enemy force? 18 This new Star Tech effort seems much more limited in scope -- computers, games and electronic gizmos. 19 The latest is an outpatient procedure with a new gizmo that removes throat tissues with radio frequencies. 20 In the works as well are touch-screen pump menus and other electronic gizmos. 21 In Shorts, Spader is company CEO Mr Black whose Black Box gadget (PDA, toaster, baby monitor) is the ultimate multitasking gizmo. 22 A common problem that you may come across when building "a box" to do something-- whether a one-off gizmo or bona fide scientific instrument --is the rats nest of wires. 23 This unique device communications and so to say time traveling gizmo will also show info about the people who created or helped create such works of art.