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(91) Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood may be related to a whole series of studies of cognitive development by piaget. (92) This was very much related to the practical problem of how to load all the animals on to the ark. (93) Indeed, our self-identity as a nation is integrally related to our response to those who seek to become members. (94) Instead, each planet had its own peculiar machinery which was related to but not integrally connected to a universal system. (95) Motivation is therefore a causal relationship between effort expended, the performance attained and the reward related to the performance. (96) These can be related to rates of magma production versus differentiation by crystal fractionation within crustal magma chambers. (97) The second category is closely related to oceanic trenches and their associated island arcs or mountain belts. (98) Have aims and objectives been identified in the early stages and are these goals related to managerial issues? 3. (99) How often an individual has a bowel movement is related to a number of factors. (100) He has been charged with six offences related to the alleged theft of the fruit. (101) The state-orientated approach adopted by many feminists clearly related to their affiliations with social purity. (102) These should be related to the average cost of the services. (103) This applies particularly to traits, such as body size, which are themselves related to age. (104) This increase is presumably related to the increased alcohol consumption in the country. (105) Because bismuth is known to have a toxic effect on some microorganisms its therapeutic benefit in colitis may be related to this. (106) The Labor Department audited 10, 631 job orders that were related to H-1B applications.Sentence dictionary (107) It will also become a national database for information related to kidneys. (108) Usually one constant theme related to the shared preoccupation of the couple underlies the seemingly different causes of rows and arguments. (109) In the concluding remarks not only the main conclusions related to diffusion and production are summarized. (110) It was by this time not quite clear exactly which lands in the Company's possession related to the original bequest. (111) Children related to him so much because they saw in him an adult who behaved in the way that they did. (112) Conflicts which do not appear directly related to class divisions are no minor anomalies. (113) Likewise, the carcinogenic action of bile may be related to the duration of exposure of gastric mucosa to biliary carcinogens. (114) The student engages in advanced studies or chooses a career related to the foreign language study. (115) Most related to delays in settlement and receipt of share certificates. (116) In contrast with our results, these studies describe a pattern of essential fatty acid deficiency, probably related to malabsorption. (117) Neither is fair, in the sense of being related to income, and thus ability to pay. (118) I can not envisage a system related to ability to pay that does not approximate to income flows. (119) This has obvious implications for services at a local level and provision needs to be related to regional trends and census figures. (120) Diagnostic difficulties in those cases were related to confusing radiological and endoscopic appearances or failure to obtain histological confirmation of lymphoma.