fiscal year造句91. The United States hopes to admit 4,000 to 5,000 of the Burundian refugees during fiscal year (FY) 2007, which began October 1, 2006, and a similar number in FY 2008.
92. In fiscal year 2009, 38 states are experiencing revenue shortfalls, according to a joint survey by the National Governors Association and the National Association of State Budget Officers.
93. Accounting periods may be a fiscal year and metaphase, intermediate means shorter than a full accounting year during the report, including a biannual, quarterly and monthly, etc.
94. In fiscal year 2007, MIGA provided guarantees ranging from support to a micro-credit institution in Cameroon to backing a large telecommunications project in Guinea.
95. Rockwell Automation expects the transaction to be slightly dilutive to earnings per share in the first full fiscal year and accretive thereafter.
96. Ellen R. Sauerbrey, an abettor abstruseary of state, told agents on Wednesday that the antiterrorism provisions had praccidented the United States from reclearing 9,500 Burmese this fiscal year.
97. FedEx said reinstatement of more employee compensation programs will hit earnings in that period as well as in the next fiscal year, which begins in June.
98. The company, which cut about 5 percent of its work force last year to keep a lid on costs, slightly lowered its operating expense target for the current fiscal year, which started on July 1.
99. A manufacturing enterprise can use this model to evaluate its annual performance by comparing the actual costs with the standard costs at the end of the fiscal year.
99.try its best to gather and create good sentences.
100. In fiscal year 2010, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) provided $24 million in guarantees to support infrastructure investments in China.
101. These included the unveiling of a supplementary budget by the end of the week to tide Japan over for the rest of the fiscal year ending in March.
102. All of the company codes within a company must use the same chart of accounts and fiscal year. However, each company code can have a different local currency.
103. FedEx also raised its earnings forecast for the fiscal year ending in May, seeing "a continued modest recovery in the global economy."
104. Probable cash disbursement and Financial Commitment required during the fiscal year may also be compiled therein.
105. A financial report produced by a corporation for shareholders the end of fiscal year.
106. Last month a federal judge ruled that Bridgeport has enough money to stagger through its current fiscal year and was not entitled to the protection of federal bankruptcy laws.
107. We are targeting to get over 10,000 deals for the fiscal year.
108. That was our profit for the fiscal year ending March 31.
109. Distributed profits refer to the practical profits distributed to each investor by an enterprise by the end of the fiscal year of the report.
110. The money is for the 2008 fiscal year, which began October 1.
111. The chart shows the sales results for the last fiscal year.
112. The very surge in U.S. debt -- the Treasury plans gross issuance this fiscal year of $8 trillion -- means China's heavy buying is increasingly looking like a drop, albeit a very big one, in the ocean.
113. The Company shall submit the audited annual financial statements to the Investor within 45 days after the end of the fiscal year, together with the auditor's report by the independent auditor.
114. The Ebitda margin will decline this fiscal year at a "significantly lower rate than in the 2010 financial year, " the company said today.
115. The city's budget gap may reach $8 billion by the July 1, 2010, start of fiscal year 2011.
116. Domestic investors are expected to maintain a risk - averse attitude this fiscal year.
117. The California Public Employees' Retirement System, the nation's largest public retirement fund by assets, has lost 26% since the start of its fiscal year in July.
118. Excise taxes on cigarettes and liquor slipped below expectations for the fiscal year to date.
119. Obama Ma Xiangguo the new fiscal year will be submitted to the fourth consecutive year the government budget deficit exceeded 1 trillion mark.
120. Any future impact on financial result for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011 and beyond is being assessed.