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31. Alternatively, a more resolute and impressive personality on the throne could have upheld the statusquo. 32. Firm and resolute, she refused Alexander entry to the house, forcing him to pick my sister up at the curb. 33. Their success was built upon a resolute defensive display, shutting out 12-goal Dean Saunders. 34. Henry Foley's Records contain forty-eight pages of his letters, which display resolute leadership. 35. The monastic chroniclers especially recorded with high indignation the resolute enforcement of the Forest jurisdiction over clerical offenders. 36. These signs of age, of the ageing process, she greeted and greets with curiosity, with a resolute welcome. 37. It was by far the most resolute action of his political life up to that point. 38. He was the resolute father who protected his family against the elements, psychopaths and even the devil. 39. Ipswich get praised for a resolute defence. leeds get slated for not scoring, and for the boring game. 40. However, after my time in Venezuela, I was resolute. 41. He is talented, and venturesome, and resolute. 42. Persecution only rendered them more resolute in their struggle. 43. Later, Honolulu softened toward the resolute old captain. 44. Hope your elephant hurricane, determinedly resolute! 45. Immediately after its founding, New China adopted resolute measures to outlaw prostitution. 46. In the figure of the coltish, resolute Sigourney Weaver, Alien may just be the film that overhauled the old, unreconstructed horror genre and dared to put a woman centre-stage. 47. The Bouvier is an equable dog, steady, resolute and fearless. 48. Backward elimination, only resolute, strictly control the total amount of iron and steel in order to resolve a critical situation. 49. Once think! I resolute brush-off your suggest, even you are toward me put forward accuse let it be. 50. Hitler's early'successes " were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon. 51. Midwesterners are straightforward and unpretentious, with a reputation as resolute individualists who can be somewhat hardheaded. 52. Preparing to capitulate, these reactionaries obsequiously carried out the orders of the Japanese and Wang Ching -wei, and the first people they killed were the most resolute fighters against Japan. 53. Of the three Republic warships pursuing the Malevolence, the lead ship is General Skywalker's Resolute. As a flagship, it has red conning towers. 54. A resolute defensive display amid high hostility in the Stadio Delle Alpi secures a place in the last four of the Champions League at Juve's expense and confirms our return as a European super power. 54.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 55. Harold , eight miles away, awaited him in resolute array. 56. Primakov, the former chief of the Russian foreign intelligence service, had no answer for such simple yet resolute words that left no diplomatic wiggle room. 57. Li Jianying was consistent in his courageous and resolute armyman style and cost his life to win peace and happiness for more people. 58. Eg: We must be true in word and resolute in deed. 59. As a resolute technophobe, Buffett sat out the incredible run-up in technology stocks during the late 1990s. 60. Giulia's pregnant and resolute to keep the baby, a prospect that makes Mark to freak out.