快好知 kuaihz

play down造句
1. She tried to play down his part in the affair. 2. Military spokespeople tried to play down the seriousness of the disaster. 3. The government are trying to play down their involvement in the affair. 4. The White House spokeswoman sought to play down the significance of the event. 5. The company is anxious to play down the media hype. 6. Politicians have to learn to play down to the voters. 7. He has tried to play down his involvement in the affair. 8. She was inclined to play down the importance of her own role in the affair. 9. The government sought to play down the extent of the problem. 10. Not even Mr Morton can play down the gravity of this latest crisis. 11. He was able to play down his Vichy activities, and his questionable wartime record never proved a serious handicap in politics. 12. Center and city officials play down the troubles, saying they are typical of any start-up operation. 13. But egalitarian feminists tend to play down the value of biological explanations. 14. While Roebuck may wish to play down his football courage, the proof is there for all to witness. 15. As a corollary, AI-workers have tended to play down the importance of neurophysiological knowledge about the brain. 16. The general tried to play down the military defeat. 17. They tried to play down their defeat. 18. He can also play down the middle. 19. Regardless shouldn't play down chronic lack of sleep. 20. They feel it is profitable to play down the differences. 21. The boss sought to play down the risk of that project. 22. And even though prosecutors tried to play down the genetic evidence, Beaty felt it was a major factor. 23. Is play down house property holding tax to confuse right and wrong? 24. Taylor, the capitalist, used to play down to most of his employees. 25. Monetarists stress the function of money as a medium of exchange and play down its role as a store of wealth. 26. At a New York conference this week Mr Murdoch tried to play down the significance of the deal. 27. The first reaction from the Tour organisers was to play down the significance of Voet's arrest. 28. But the South's current president, Roh Moo -hyun, would be well-advised to play down expectations about his summit with Mr Kim in Pyongyang at the end of the month. 29. Recently years the anemographic phenomenon of fiscal information is more and more serious. An important reason is the criterion of bursarial occupational morality play down. 30. Gobang Terminator is a Gobang the game, nothing to play down the play.