快好知 kuaihz

1. Dumb dogs are dangerous. 2. He's been deaf and dumb since birth. 3. Don't make dumb mistakes again. 4. Deaf people and dumb people are disabled. 5. The programme producers claimed they had to dumb down. 6. We all sat there in dumb silence. 7. We were all struck dumb with amazement. 8. She's not just a dumb blonde. 9. She's been dumb from birth. 10. Being deaf and dumb makes communication very difficult. 11. They were struck dumb by some sort of shock. 12. She is very kind to the dumb children. 13. She was struck dumb at the news. 14. What a dumb question. 15. It was dumb of you to say that. 16. He is dumb on the subject. 17. She sat there, dumb with rage. 18. She's no dumb blonde . 19. They begged him to explain, but he remained dumb. 20. I'm sure my question sounded really dumb. 21. We were all struck dumb for a minute. 22. He is handsome, but a dumb cluck. 23. Never inflict useless pain on dumb animals. 24. Deaf people and dumb people are disabled too. 25. She was born deaf and dumb. 26. You dumb cluck, why'd you tell him? 27. I came up with this dumb idea. 28. If the police question you, act dumb . 29. Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the dumb understand. 30. The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.