快好知 kuaihz

31. But we also attribute to him the power to mediate between those same concerns and the hostile forces of disease. 32. Few were even prepared to try to mediate, none to risk anything for the king and the Despensers. 33. Understanding the movement of neutrophils and the mechanisms through which they mediate tissue injury is fundamental to elucidating the pathogenesis of relapse. 34. To mediate in such a dispute was the dreariest occupation of a bishop. 35. Such isoforms and their relative abundance could mediate specific cell type or matrix interactions. 36. The social worker tried to mediate without success in the available time. 37. In its first year, the centre was asked to mediate in over 60 disputes. 38. An Iranian delegation visited northern Iraq to mediate between rival Kurdish groups. 39. Former President Jimmy Carter agreed to mediate the peace talks. 40. The Congress endorsed a call for neutral countries to mediate between the belligerents. 41. He tried to mediate between his colleagues and management. 42. The judge was asked to mediate the custody case. 43. Incentive plans can therefore mediate against change and responsiveness. 44. Ask relative department in charge to mediate. 45. AMPA receptors mediate the fast excitatory synaptic transmission in the central nervous system. 46. Under the guidance of the epistemological principle of seeking to mediate rationalism and experientialism, Leibniz put forward the theory of two kinds of truth. 47. Who can help me mediate intercessory psychology pressure " ?" 48. The administrative authority could order the infringer to stop the infringing act immediately and mediate on damages at the request of the parties concerned. 49. Toll - like receptors ( TLRs ) are one kind of transmembrane protein receptors that mediate innate immunity for host. 50. The task of the state apparatuses is to mediate between the conflicting interests of classes. 51. The stability field of Al ( OH ) _ 3 and AlF _ 6~ ( 3 - ) is mid - high tempera - ture and inter mediate - alkalic area. 52. A regional foreign minister said officials from the Organization of American States are in Honduras to mediate in the talks between the two camps. 53. In order to cover his participation in the kidnaping, the landlord pretended to mediate the affair through puppet troops, preparing a banquet on the tenant's behalf. 54. Phytochromes mediate the photoperiodic control of flowering in rice (Oryza sativa), a short-day plant. 55. This is group of mediate of Sichuan oil ground appoint deep - experience. 56. We never mediate with coming and going of the other party, just respectively facial statement mistily at this mostly will of the loneliness in a strange turn exist. 57. Indigotic color: Can mediate muscle, can affect vision, hearing and smell, can reduce the body to be opposite aching sensitive action. 58. At one point, Western and Arab diplomats trying to mediate a solution were airlifted from the United Arab Emirates embassy in Sanaa after it was surrounded by armed supporters of the president. 59. In a mediate system, procedure tends to become primarily a written matter. Those in common. 60. Could they mediate a decade of emptiness between him and her?