快好知 kuaihz

1. Falsehood like a nettle stings those who meddle with it. 2. I dare not meddle with your plans. 3. Don't meddle with the electrical wiring. 4. Don't meddle in my affairs. 5. I will teach you to meddle in my affairs. 6. People shouldn't meddle with things they don't understand. 7. If only you hadn't felt compelled to meddle. 8. He had no right to meddle in her affairs. 9. Don't meddle with my toys. 10. Don't meddle with the electrical wiring: you're not an electrician. 11. I hope he doesn't try to meddle in my affairs. 12. Believe you me, the government won't meddle with the tax system. 13. They're resentful that outsiders presume to meddle in their affairs. 14. How dare you meddle in people's lives? 15. Church leaders shouldn't meddle in politics. 16. One can not meddle with discrimination. 17. The act does not meddle with anything belonging to the states. 18. He would meddle with fishing nets, pull up anchors and tow boats, tease dogs and tow swimmers. 19. But to see, to meddle, to intrude, that was Lionel all over. 20. Politicians will not close important factories or meddle with publicly owned bodies that pollute. 21. Now, with reckless abandon, it promises to meddle with local-government structure. 22. The ono account she did not meddle with was their permanent one with Chambers. 23. Of course we should not endlessly meddle and interfere with the electricity industry in Northern Ireland. 24. There is a risk, too, that he would meddle in economic matters better left alone, and thereby derail growth. 25. Already some people are asking whether scientists have any right to meddle in such matters. 26. It illustrates only too clearly the dangers of inviting outsiders to meddle in the machinery of Government. 27. Because of Jezrael who thought she was strong enough to meddle and get away with it. 28. The Fish and Wildlife Service is advocating a plan which is going to meddle with that. 29. If you actually worked for Jobs, he took time out from preaching the Mac gospel to meddle in your life. 30. Most of us don't know our neighbors well enough to meddle with their lives.