pretending造句151, They walked grandly through the lobby, blatantly arm in arm, pretending they were not defeated.
152, It starts with an attractive, older woman pretending to fall in love with a wealthy male student in the hope of getting pregnant, if not married, and laying claim to his family's money.
153, He made a hoax call pretending to be the boss.
154, Julia Roberts: Pretending to be a parent is a cakewalk compared to being a parent.
155, He stared sullenly into space, pretending not to hear the jeers.
156, All that night my father sat on his bunk, pretending to pick up sukiyaki.
157, During one call, Ggong teased the listener pretending to be KFN's scenarist.
158, I used to run around the street with a fishbowl over my head pretending I was an astronaut. . . .
159, Don't you dishonour their memories by pretending you didn't know!
160, Muzz would be walking around, pretending to be busy, all the time praying desperately under her breath.
161, Ada's begun pretending she's millionairess. That really takes the biscuit.
162, You came here pretending to be my friend. And I made you my maid of honor.
163, The pretending is just for you. I hate my letting go at the turning moment.
164, "It will be bad; I mean I don't think there's any point in pretending," says Robin Grimes, director of the Centre for Nuclear Engineering at Imperial College London, and an advocate of nuclear power.
165, There is no use pretending that the sun goes around the earth, in a world full of smarty pants armed with telescopes and pencils.
166, We knock into the most sacred temple, pretending an unfaithful pilgrim.
167, Last, based on the above scheme, an electronic review system is designed, which can reduce the workload of editors and avoid pretending to be the subeditor to copy edit.
168, Apraxia may also primarily affect oral, non-speech movements, like pretending to cough or blow out a candle (facial apraxia).
169, "Right now, you are pretending to be a goof-off, " he wrote. "But I know that one day, you will do something great that will set you among the very best."
170, They are prepared to go to any length to try to keep control, while pretending to come in friendship.
171, Shopping For this study researchers set themselves up in a mall pretending to carry out a consumer survey on nightgowns and nylon stockings.
172, He cloaked his fear by whistling and pretending to be unafraid.
173, Chloe improvises, and calls Gabriel pretending she has had car troubles.
174, This time Goering did not try to dodge the issue by pretending cordiality.
175, At another point, they're on the freeway, pretending ta have an engine failure.
176, " We have a mission to perform . Quit pretending . " cried he angrily.
177, Don't forget about software security when pretending to be the customer.
178, Steve Martin was pretending that he had gotten such pleasure from this thing he thought was a drug that he wanted to recommend it to others.
179, Ma said the case involved 480 reporters and others pretending to be reporters who asked for "shut-up fees" to keep news of a mine flood out of the public eye.
180, Beginning with half-past six, he hovered like a shadow about the Thirty-ninth Street entrance, pretending always to be a hurrying pedestrian and yet fearful lest he should miss his object.