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31. Which way to the maternity ward? 32. Rituals and Cults Childbirth classes; procedures and routines of maternity hospitals and midwifery. 33. Most women who take maternity leave look forward to returning to their jobs. 34. The present 18 weeks maternity leave will be extended to 26 weeks. 35. It seems the merest flash since Jack and I were gingerly bringing home our own babies from the maternity wards. 36. Fetal, infant and early childhood mortality and maternity related deaths to women of reproductive age are the classes of mortality examined. 37. My wife still knows a person born shortly after her at the same maternity hospital. 38. In the high-visibility, emotionally compelling cases such as maternity stays, an uproar resulted. 39. But it was during the war that real expansion occurred as branches turned with renewed vigour to improve child and maternity welfare. 40. But also the whole agenda of maternity and child welfare and its subsequent implementation was promoted by the guild. 41. Maternity benefits and an increase in maternity leave are also being offered by some companies. 42. At least that's some improvement for the 50% or women in Britain who currently fail to qualify for maternity leave at all. 43. Enormous improvements have been made there and £1m was provided in 1989 for new maternity and ante natal facilities. 44. Maternity work with women from varied ethnic backgrounds developed my interest into health education and promotion. 45. The rate of maternity pay will be no lower than the Statutory Sick Pay rate. 46. She learned to sew and made maternity smocks he tried to admire. 47. So it's pretty unusual ... So in fact I took maternity leave only up to the maximum. 48. The 42-clause Bill gives pregnant workers the right to a minimum of 14 weeks' maternity leave. 49. Margaret Bondfield joined the guild in 1911 and with Llewellyn Davies assumed a critical role in reform of health and maternity policy. 50. They were approached by a senior obstetrician at the John Radcliffe Maternity hospital. 51. Maternity clothes are more stylish than they used to be. 52. Gone are the days of hiding your bump under a tent dress - today's maternity clothes are both comfortable and fashionable! 53. A 30s. maternity benefit was to be paid to the wives of insured men. 54. Sale already under way, with discounts of up to 50 percent on some maternity and children's clothes. 55. You won't be surprised to hear that Sangenic is already being used in maternity wards. 56. This proposes that all women should be entitled to maternity leave for 14 weeks regardless of length of service. 57. Mrs Ferrari employed Withers after she'd been recruited by a child minding agency by pretending she was a qualified maternity nurse. 58. Maternity wards were notably slow to improve, largely due to their popularly believed, if apparently unfounded, association with prostitution. 59. Rarely have they bargained aggressively for benefits such as maternity leave or more help with child care. 60. Sattel says Lucasfilm offers paid one-week paternity and adoption leaves; maternity leaves are usually covered by disability programs.