enthusiastically造句61. The new policy was enthusiastically supported by the pro-Gordon faction.
62. They worked diligently and enthusiastically but tended to be aloof from the local inhabitants.
63. When the freed slaves landed, they enthusiastically started replicating the lifestyle of their erstwhile masters.
64. Their generous support and presence, joining in enthusiastically with everything we planned, has enabled us to truly enjoy this day.
65. Both have too enthusiastically encouraged this trend, and too halfheartedly tried to stop it.
66. We were shown photographic slides of people enthusiastically learning how to read and write.
67. Sir Michael spoke enthusiastically of the University Plan and its clear goals for the end of the decade.
68. Enthusiastically squired to polo matches, luncheons, swims, and tennis matches, Margarett did not miss Eddie.
69. At the end of March, I circulated a paper which enthusiastically backed electrification.
70. Joe went enthusiastically to every lecture like a fresher.
71. Mrs Fisher clasped her hands enthusiastically.
72. Their respondent comment are very enthusiastically.
73. Her friends repeated the pleasing phrase enthusiastically.
74. He pumped Collins'hand enthusiastically and immediately let hi to his companions.
75. Although many people have opposed vivisection, some people are enthusiastically supportive of this practice.
76. Despite the fact that you might be in pain, love affectionately and enthusiastically. Nevertheless, this is the ultimate way to make your life complete.
77. Ordering enthusiastically welcomed the group unit, the limited number of Do not miss the chance.
78. One month earlier the senator had enthusiastically voted for the FISA Amendments Act, which allows the U.S. government to do pretty much the same thing.
79. The industry enthusiastically supported a proposal in Nevada's legislature for a $5 levy on each sexual transaction to help fill up a $3bn budgetary deficit.
80. Is that Jiang Han learns the Jiangsu fellow - townsman group number enthusiastically a number?
81. Thriller was enthusiastically adopted by the then fledgling music television channel MTV , which launched in 1981.
82. A jockey enthusiastically presented a Stetson horseman hat to the distinguished Chinese guest.
83. Its most popular Midsummer's Day finds many Finns lighting bonfires and drinking enthusiastically at their country homes.
84. He enthusiastically sang praise of the peasants' movement for overthrowing the feudalist rural regimes and for establishing their own revolutionary armed forces.
85. Government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership loyally and enthusiastically.
86. Everybody spoke enthusiastically at the meeting, There were no awkward silences.
87. Result: You perform depraved acts of self - humiliation and are enthusiastically accepted into the fold.
88. In 1836, Deng for a time enthusiastically supported Xu Naiji's proposal to lift the ban on the opium trade, and made active preparations for it.
89. After the original form of enterprise clusters emerged, local government supported them enthusiastically.
90. Some teachers enthusiastically espouse the benefits to be gained from educational software.