快好知 kuaihz

1 Many doctors don't approve of unorthodox medicine. 2 She spent an unorthodox girlhood travelling with her father throughout Europe. 3 Her unorthodox views tend to attract controversy. 4 Steiner was recognized as an original if unorthodox thinker. 5 I'm afraid your English is somewhat unorthodox. 6 His methods were unorthodox, and his lifestyle eccentric. 7 She has an unorthodox technique, but is an excellent player. 8 They alone were in unorthodox dress. 9 Unorthodox or alternative medicine was not on trial. 10 There was no tolerance of unorthodox political views. 11 To lure shoppers, some merchants have employed some unorthodox promotion techniques. 12 The two had much in common: conceit, fame, unorthodox pulpit manners and a trenchant belief in liberal progress. 13 A single nun, working in an unorthodox manner in the slums, made some of the local clergy distinctly uncomfortable. 14 Army officers have been accused of using unorthodox methods when interrogating enemy prisoners. 15 His spiritual life would follow the same unorthodox and aggressively assertive pattern. 16 The greatest difficulties faced by this unorthodox theory are to do with the compositional variations across the Moon. 17 In view of the unorthodox behaviour of the Komsomol that we have noted in the provinces, such a move was overdue. 18 Terms such as alternative, natural, unorthodox, or unconventional are closely related but not synonymous. 19 I have called it an unorthodox theory because few adhere to it. 20 The rebellious figure in unorthodox white football shoes sometimes donned pantyhose for warmth under his game pants. 21 The charity says the journalists appear to have obtained confidential documents in an unorthodox manner. 22 The sands were crowded with these strange bright parrots, accompanied by young gentlemen with unorthodox headgear and unbuttoned waistcoats. 23 Treating the disease with a diet rather than with medicine is an unorthodox approach that few doctors recommend. 24 Convinced it had a best seller on its hands, Random House came up with the unorthodox idea of relaunching the book. 25 Stories about her childhood suggest that she was shrewd, self-reliant, and unorthodox. 26 Educated privately at her homes at Parkwern and Hendrefoilan she inherited a long family tradition of unorthodox and innovative ideas. 27 He was excommunicated in his early manhood from his synagogue on account of his unorthodox opinions. 28 These injuries disturb me,[www.] for they indicate that some unorthodox methods were being tried. 29 As he peers down the gun barrel with his high, unorthodox stance, he visualises former glories. 30 The skeletons found on this site were buried in unorthodox manner and might have been plague victims.