void造句151. The attenuation coefficient shows approximately linear behaviour with frequency over the frequency range used, and the attenuation slope increases with the void content.
152. Economic contracts are void from the time are concluded shall have no legally binding force.
153. He is confident the backroom can step into the temporary void.
154. S isotopic evidence suggests that sulphur originated from marine sulfate and stored in the interlayer water, consisted of intercrystalline water, void water and muckle water.
155. I lay lazily smoking and studying the colour of the sky, as we call the void of space, from where it showed a reddish grey behind the pines to where it showed a glossy blue-black between the stars.
156. The intensity of every business decision becomes greater because of this void in space.
157. Following administration of an epidural or spinal anesthetic, the patient should demonstrate the ability to void.
158. The images of the preacher swam in that void, grew large and powerful.
159. Rescinded civil acts shall be null and void from the very beginning.
160. Contracts that are concluded by means of fraud or duress shall be void.
161. But that results the high void ratio, low density, hardness, and quality bulk material.
162. In the present paper, the finite deformation and stress analysis for a hyperelastic rectangular plate with a center void under a uniaxial extension is studied.
163. Meanwhile, the biological mechanics performance of different polyester fabric structures was characterized by permeability, void content, tensile strength, and bursting strength and so forth.
164. A long tendril of colder gas and dust extends many light years into the void from the receding ionization front.
165. Doritos now pluckily fill the salty snack void. Once consumed, the next logical step is to use the facilities.
166. That not enough has been written about his family is strange in that Obama himself devoted a remarkable book, "Dreams From My Father, " to his quest to fill the void left by an ab- sent Dad.
167. Be careful not to sign a null and void contract.
168. Any such purported assignment or transfer shisl be deemed a go against of this Agreement and shisl be null and void.
169. Article 2 A lease contract on a building constructed without a building permit or in violation of the building permit shall be void.
170. The creeping emptiness I had felt most of my life became a full-blown Nietzschean void.
171. The distorted administration values and void institution settings are the dominant difficulties in administration reforms, which hold back the reforms' process in essence.
172. At present, a large number of outflowing rural elite labor in China has led to the void of rural construction subject , the situation is partly caused by the dislocation of rural education.
173. The methods must be public, return a - void value, throw no checked exceptions, and take no parameters.
174. Based on metalloscope observation, the void damage variable and the microhardness damage variable are defined, with the relationship between these two variables established.
175. In this paper, a physical model on average void fraction in liquid slug of oil-gas-water slug flow is set up by use of gas balance relation.
176. For example, the predefined function void declare_reachable(void* p); asks the garbage collector not to reclaim storage pointed to by the pointer p.
177. As a protective coating for water ballast tanks, cofferdams, bilges, void spaces, etc.
178. The semi flexible pavement is a kind of new asphalt pavement, it's material structure is the framework closed texture, however, the mother asphalt mixture is framework void texture.
179. The answer Was that the pally has mistaken the conduct as valid and performed, that is to say, returning property and compensation were not a direct but an indirect consequence of void civil conduct.
180. Tests show that clay in fine aggregate affected the water stability of asphalt mixture markedly; the permeable critical air void is 7.5?