dreadful造句121. At times Rubberneck wept, shed, and for no apparent reason, bucketing tears in dreadful fits of sadness.
122. He had a sort of dry, if unadventurous, humour in him, as suggested by that dreadful Bell's adage.
123. Prime example: The Oct. 13 People, with its latest Diana cover, six weeks after the dreadful car crash.
124. In a medical centre they found dreadful cases of malnutrition, scabies and diarrhoea.
125. Dreadful episodes like these have helped to boost Nader's challenge.
126. He's a dreadful scruff!
127. The old woman talked before she died and said she loved me like a daughter. How dreadful everything is!
128. But we do respect her bravery in standing up against a dreadful regime.
129. I also had dreadful nightmares - of awful things like giving birth to a cat because they can be carriers of toxoplasmosis.
130. The Reformers might be followers of Erasmus; but they had no hesitation in drowning the dreadful Anabaptists.
131. It was all so dreadful, but I don't really remember it now.
132. If he had drunk from it, the wounds received in his last dreadful battle against his nephew Mordred would have healed.
133. One of these was a dreadful modern slum in Liverpool - an enclave of vandalised flats surrounded by wastelands.
134. She started on Adam for taking up that shameful suggestion about selling what she called the family silver. How dreadful!
135. If he did not feel so dreadful, Harry would tell the fellow just what he could do with his bedside wit.
136. Children used to have to work in dreadful conditions, in factories and mines.
137. And that dreadful woman in the ladies' cloakroom - no, that didn't bear thinking about.
138. Every night he was assailed by ever more dreadful dreams.
139. Perhaps in no other political career is defeat at the polls so dreadful.
140. When Medea knew the deed was done she turned her mind to one still more dreadful.
141. Now under house arrest, she says it's all a dreadful mistake.
142. Lucy herself said she remembered nothing of the dreadful cockchafer affair.
143. Constanza did ask, Anna simply repeated, Something too dreadful to speak about.
144. It made little difference if a dreadful rash despoiled both little faces.
145. What had finally driven him to do this dreadful thing?
146. And in any case, what Lucy may have done was surely not so dreadful and will be soon forgotten.
147. That year was most dreadful and cruel for mankind over all the earth.
148. Or with the most dreadful infrequency and when I least expected him to show himself?
149. She doesn't know that Pete, of all people, did the dreadful deed.
150. We acknowledge that there have been dreadful mistakes and inexcusable mistreatment in the past, but we have learned from them.