快好知 kuaihz

31, Anyway, I must be going now. 32, Whose side are you on anyway? 33, Anyway, why didn't you call the police? 34, I'm merely stating what everybody knows anyway. 35, Anyway, in the end I didn't wear your jacket. 36, Anyway, how are things with you? 37, What's the point of this meeting anyway? 38, Anyway, I'd better go now-I'll see you tomorrow. 39, 'We should finish by tomorrow.' 'That's something , anyway.' 40, Anyway, as I said, I'll be away next week. 41, She don't want to go, anyway, she can't. 42, I went ahead and arranged the trip anyway. 43, Chances are they'll be late anyway. 44, Anyway[/anyway.html], we must stay in touch. 45, I expect he'd have left anyway. 46, There were thousands of people there-well, hundreds, anyway. 47, The whole thing's academic now-we can't win anyway. 48, Who wants to go to a noisy disco anyway? 49, I don't think we'll succeed but let's try anyway. 50, Anyway, you're here; you might as well stay. 51, It was probably too late to say sorry, but she would try anyway. 52, I'm afraid we can't come, but thanks for the invitation anyway. 53, This idea probably won't work, but let's try it anyway. 54, I know I'll be confronted with difficulties, but I will squeak by anyway. 55, So anyway, he goes in and his boots get stuck in the mud. 56, I haven't made any New Year resolutions - I never stick to them anyway. 57, Anyway, I can't deceive him - it's against all my principles. 58, Anyway, I must dash - I said I'd meet Daniel at eight. 59, Her parents were opposed to her giving up her course, but she did it anyway. 60, I think most of us don't want to read what's in the newspaper anyway in such detail.