frenzy造句(91) "Get out!" she ordered in a frenzy.
(92) They were singing in a frenzy of joy.
(93) The frenzy can leave pink flotsam.
(94) Often, after an initial frenzy on an IPO, the stocks later fall below their initial offering price.
(95) Their four-year marriage ended in ugly accusations, media frenzy and custody battle for their only child.
(96) Photographer Michael Nolan snapped the annual feeding frenzy that follows salmon-spawning season in the Katmai National Park in Alaska, the Daily Mail of London reported.
(97) He was able to work the young students up into a frenzy.
(98) They were whipping up nationalist frenzy among the excitable crowds.
(99) EU posts are traditionally decided in a frenzy of horse trading that does not favour those who emerged early as favourites.
(100) Scotsman Robert Louis Stevenson was already a successful writer when he had a dream about a doctor with split personality disorder and woke up gripped by a creative frenzy.
(101) Some bird species in Costa Rica follow army ant swarms through the forest, indulging in an insect feeding frenzy as flying insects flee the ant raid.
(102) Around him in the atmosphere of despair and frenzy glared the lineaments of Red Revolution.
(103) The interview whipped up half the people into a frenzy of rage.
(104) I came to Milwaukee because I wished to live deliberately, to confront only what was essential in life away from the pretentiousness of the east coast and the frenzy of the west.
(105) Their frantic recourse to the policy of strength is nothing but the deathbed frenzy of the weak and the last-ditch effort to prevent their ruling system from its collapse.
(106) A saguaro cactus stands tall amid a frenzy of lightning bolts in Arizona.
(107) As Alice said, vampires frenzy like sharks when there's blood "in the water[http:///frenzy.html], " so to speak. (That's why Edward was ditching Biology on the day they were blood typing.
(108) Often, after an initial frenzy on an IPO, the stocks later fall below offering price.
(109) He felt the stillness from the moment he got out of the taxi and saw the doorman, usually in a frenzy of activity at this hour, gossiping with a chasseur by the servants' entrance .
(110) I worked myself into frenzy plotting ways to make him jealous.
(111) These delays reduce the effective capacity of the bulk fleet and will only add another round of freight rate frenzy for vessel owners.
(112) But a lot of trademarked names are also getting caught in the frenzy.
(113) In its second minute the Hate rose to a frenzy.
(114) Thankfully, there have been no fights, but the frenzy can get to be like a billiard table with balls bouncing off one another in all directions.
(115) The Indian media had been working itself into a frenzy as the switch-on time for the Large Hadron Collider approached.
(116) Joe McCarthy whipped up Americans into a frenzy of anti-Communist activity in the Fifties.
(117) The fans at the rock concert worked themselves up into a frenzy.
(118) I cooked artichokes with hollandaise sauce, which is melted butter that's been whipped into a frenzy with egg yolks until it's died and gone to heaven.
(119) A speculative frenzy of borrowing and bidding up is at work.
(120) War Frenzy (58): Increases player?s resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3. Effect with Lionheart is cumulative.