快好知 kuaihz

31. We had a late dinner last night. 32. She bought some eels for dinner. 33. After dinner, we had ice cream for dessert. 34. I accomplished two hours' work before dinner. 35. Parents always ask children to behave themselves at dinner. 36. I must wash before dinner. 37. What is the price of a dinner course? 38. Will you have dinner with me tonight? 39. Dinner has been done for half an hour. 40. Have you had your dinner already? 41. The hungry boy was devouring his dinner. 42. Please fetch the children in for dinner. 43. Washing up before dinner is a good habit. 44. The dog drooled in anticipation of his dinner. 45. What should I fix for dinner? 46. We asked her round for dinner on the weekend. 47. Do you want to go out for dinner? 48. I felt obliged to ask them to dinner. 49. The dinner plates were thick with grease. 50. You do not need to dress up for dinner. 50.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 51. Mom, what's for dinner tonight? 52. Dinner is ready. Spread the tablecloth! 53. He took a bath and shaved before dinner. 54. We had plums and custard for dinner. 55. We've got eight people coming to dinner. 56. Perhaps we should invite them to dinner . 57. I'll help you after dinner, okay? 58. What should I whip up for dinner? 59. I'm meeting a group of friends for dinner tonight. 60. What would you like for dinner?