快好知 kuaihz

31) However, the Wild Strawberry Movement is not damaged at all. On the contrast, this movement will gain stronger centripetal force because of this despicable midnight attack. 32) The captions under each portrait reads in Spanish as follows (L-R top to bottom), "The innocent, the cynic, the thief, the authoritarian, the repressor, the despicable, the murderer, the faeces Ruiz". 33) Governor Koong's next despicable plot to impress the Empire involved poisoning the Umboo countryside with the biological agent, rooze. 34) I know that some countries, I will not go, such as France, because of poor law and order, as despicable, shameless, because there is very dirty. 35) LL: A bottom feeder is a really low, despicable person. 36) You will only injure yourself if take notice of despicable enemies. 37) Disgraceful China! Pitiful China! Tragic China! Despicable China! Hateable China! Ridiculous China! 38) To me, all these spontaneous responses of his were contemptible and despicable. 39) They played a shameful [ despicable ] role in this farce. 41) I always consider that the vulgar aims people pursuit vehemently - property, vainglory and extravagance - are despicable. 42) Whoever strives to know learns that no human lore is despicable. 43) It was Soapy's design to assume the role of the despicable and execrated'masher '. 44) Xinhua, the official wire service, called the decision a "despicable breach of faith in international relations." 45) A little, wretched, despicable creature, a worm, a mere nothing...that has risen up in contempt against the majesty of Heaven and earth- Jonathan Edwards. 46) He, Ling Jishi, a despicable creature, has kissed me, and I received it in silence. 47) Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who still fall for such despicable mottos . 48) Addison cited Bunyan to prove that even the most despicable of writers had their admirers. 49) They become embroiled in a despicable warlord's efforts to bring the Dragon Emperor (Jet Li) back to life so he can reawaken his army and unify China. 50) Music is the only language that could not to be used to express despicable or insinuative things. 51) The Molotov cocktail attack on Seputeh MP Teresa Kok is a despicable act. 52) Why do you suffer the presence of this despicable Lady Liadrin? She and her followers distort the Light and make a mockery of all we stand for! 53) Animals who are dressed-up. An analogy meaning immoral and despicable people. 54) At the very beginning of the story, Faulkner dexterously introduces "narrative ellipsis" to produce the cliff-hanging suspense which intensifies the theme of despicable human nature. 55) This bootlicker is really despicable as he is always stabbing others in the back. 56) But now, for no reason, I am the fucking worst, most despicable Antichrist of comedy. 57) However, the Wild Strawberry Movement is not hurt at all. On the contrast, this movement will gain stronger centripetal force because of this despicable midnight attack. 58) Once upon a time , there lived a despicable king who was known for his despotism. 59)