neural造句61 Even if vitamin supplementation did not prevent neural tube defects, what specific harm would result?
62 Having never dealt with a statistical neural network, we were uncertain how we could verify the integrity of the network.
63 Fukushima describes the relationship between modeling neural networks and neurophysiology as one resembling that between theoretical physics and experimental physics.
64 Folate deficiency causes anaemia, but occasionally is associated with neural tube defects such as spina bifida.
65 Cowan set up a mathematical equation that represented the neural activity, and built lateral inhibition into it.
66 Abstract ideas became focused as he pulled together previous work on neural nets.
67 Netbuilder will, according to the company, allow developers to build information analysis systems using multiple neural network and statistical analysis modules.
68 Research Areas Learning constitutes one of the key features of a neural network.
69 Figure 9. 18 illustrates our methodology for developing a neural network.
70 Is a function a psychological process or is it a neural process?
71 Cowan reasoned that the patterns in the visual cortex might be the result of an analogous instability in the neural activity.
72 They have shown that mental processes can be correlated with specific neural changes.
73 These pioneering studies suggested that biliary secretion might be regulated by both vagal and non-vagal neural mechanisms.
74 It is well suited to speech and pattern recognition applications, and makes neural networks an add-on technology to existing processing.
75 It is as if neural networks are developing their own heuristics as they go through the iterations.
76 For neural nets and genetic algorithms, it is not so much fallible as crude.
77 Although digital computers have to simulate this parallelism, true neural network hardware will really perform the operations in parallel.
78 The proposed system will integrate conventional computing, expert systems, and neural network methods.
79 In addition to simulations, analog neural network circuits have been built and tested.
80 The fortification of staple foods with folic acid to prevent neural tube defects may be unwisely delayed on this account.
81 Off-line training time, then, becomes one of the most important elements in initially selling neural network technology.
82 It is considered complete when the neural network produces the required outputs for a given sequence of inputs.
83 Our goal is to develop a neural network that can recognize the numerals 0 through 9.
84 This reflex is brought about by a very simple neural mechanism.
85 The ectoderm anterior to the primitive streak forms the neural plate which is slightly indented along the midline.
86 They are very logical, methodical, and pragmatic in their approach to neural networks.
87 We could have selected. 5, but experience has shown that pattern classification neural networks are extremely accurate.
88 And the fifth layer sends signals to other deep and distant neural structures, sometimes even the spinal cord.
89 Neural crest cells are a group that arise at the site where the folds of the neural tube fuse.
90 Kohonen networks have capabilities unmatched by other neural network models.