快好知 kuaihz

31. His lovemaking was different this time, more intense, more assertive as if he was trying to exert some power over her. 32. Much of this was spontaneous, although a number of small syndicalist and Marxist parties were able to exert some influence. 33. In the coming millennium, Dahl predicted, new telecommunications technology will exert a powerful influence for change on the democratic process. 34. A series of uniform regulations would be promulgated to allow the central government to exert overall budget control. 35. It is important to recognise that professionals providing a service exert considerable influence on the fate of strategic change initiatives. 36. Or it may have been no more than a ruse to exert pressure and force him to reconsider. 37. This new and expanded role for employees will exert enormous pressures on employees and companies alike to invest in education and retraining. 38. It seemed a reasonable bargain in which each superpower could exert restraint over its regional allies. 39. As civic republicanism asserts, the individual can exert a meaningful existence within society in the public realm. 40. Through the forum of the Zemsky sobor and through joint petitions they were able to exert considerable pressure upon state policy. 41. The economic pressure they could exert on the regimes that resist the masses' demand for democracy is enormous! 42. Even her father couldn't exert that kind of power over her. 43. You want them to exert their self-discipline and use their talents in your favour. 44. As the bridge sways, people's feet exert sideways forces on it to keep their balance. 45. Retained soil can become saturated with water and then exert tremendous pressure. 46. Overall the characteristics of the remuneration scheme were shown to exert more consistent effects than were individuals' personal characteristics. 47. They were also effectively administered, since Henry continued to exert the tight control established by his Yorkist predecessors. 48. Geneticists normally don't know how genes exert their effects on embryos. 49. None the less, the past does exert its moulding influence upon us. 50. He may have to put up with being ordered about by a big brother or sister anxious to exert their authority. 51. But we can be sure that Brezhnev will exert every effort to regain the award when he visits Nixon. 52. Or you may discover skiing requires more physical stamina than you want to exert. 53. The government's concern has led it to exert fairly direct, although informal, control over the pay bargaining process. 54. When the meeting has a chair who will exert strong control, put yourself clearly in his or her line of vision. 55. At school I sometimes used to get better marks than him, but that was when he chose not to exert himself. 56. Total Quality Management can make a significant difference, but all of us need to exert the effort to understand it. 57. This will create a certain amount of ambiguity for everyone attempting to exert control. 58. It is by influencing these local events that genes ultimately exert influences on the adult body. 59. Such a transportation system will exert a constant demand for fuel both at the space station and on the lunar surface. 60. The above reference to large and powerful retail chains implies that they can exert a strong influence in the marketplace.