positively造句31, The weather was positively poisonous.
32, She's not just fat, she's positively gross!
33, What she proposes is positively inhuman!
34, The weather in June was positively autumnal.
35, You can train your mind to think positively.
36, She was positively glowing with happiness.
37, She positively beamed with satisfaction.
38, Her honesty and sincerity positively shine out.
39, He's changed since he came back-he seems positively cheerful.
40, Change should be accepted and be viewed positively.
41, The plumbing in this house is positively medieval!
42, Investors reacted positively to news of the takeover.
43, She positively assured me that it was true.
44, You really must try to start thinking positively.
45, That short skirt of hers is positively indecent.
46, His cool green eyes became positively frosty.
47, The man looked positively ancient.
48, Camping these days can be positively luxurious.
49, He was positively furious when he saw the mess.
51, Their daughter is quite plump but their son is positively elephantine.
52, The rush to get hold of their father's money seemed positively indecent.
53, He stated positively that he had never seen the man.
54, The hype and fervor surrounding the event positively invited scepticism.
55, The expectant mothers that Amy had encountered positively glowed with pride.
56, He responded positively and accepted the fee of £1,000 I had offered.
57, Her fingers positively itched with the desire to slap his face.
58, He said quite positively that he would come, so I've saved a place for him.
59, These new measures will do nothing to raise school standards: they may be positively damaging.
60, Compared with modern satellite dishes, ordinary TV aerials look positively antiquated.