快好知 kuaihz

61. The connections between global capitalism and the culture-ideology of consumerism must be laid bare. 62. But, as Marx saw long ago, free-market capitalism is quintessentially populist and inherently subversive of traditions and rituals. 63. It did not mount a sustained challenge against globally-organised capitalism, concentrated state power or even prevailing discrimination against homosexuals. 64. The cultural forms of late capitalism have thus become entirely pervasive and able to subsume any attempt at opposition. 65. Without doubt Bukharin was correct in the above, in so far as there was and is such a tendency at work within capitalism. 66. Everyone knows that under capitalism they should be closed down. 67. Such strategies prevent the breakdown of capitalism into class conflicts. 68. Something within capitalism has changed to be causing these results. 69. We started by observing the global conflict which exists today between socialism and capitalism. 70. Andrew Carnegie has been called the patron saint of compassionate capitalism. 71. What Lenin did not abandon in return was his fundamental antipathy to capitalism. 72. Again the question of just what is disorganized about disorganized capitalism surfaces for our consideration. 73. It is the vast labor pool that global capitalism has tapped into that is the new leviathan. 74. Capitalism specialises in producing useless things, but cigarettes really are the absolute acme of uselessness. 75. Marx was so aggressive in his criticism of capitalism that we have a hard time listening to him. 76. The trades unionist suspects that in competitive capitalism the weak go to the wall. 77. People do work without the institutional system of capitalism and they are assured of a reasonable livelihood. 78. These men could not have foreseen the risks of advanced industrial capitalism. 79. Uniting against globalisation is not the same as uniting against capitalism. 80. One aspect of disorganized capitalism is pressure against general welfare expenditures for those not directly engaged in productive work. 81. In spite of these considerations, Weber certainly did regard capitalism as a class society - economic relations form the basis of inequality. 82. As a result, socialist realism espouses a new interest in correctionalism - even under capitalism. 83. These are seen as distinct stages of Third World exploitation associated with the growth of industrial capitalism in the west. 84. To render capitalism more humane and efficient was the principal aim of the professional expert. 85. We met on the streets of Whitehall, central London, during the now infamous riots against capitalism earlier this year. 86. Ultimately, this is how we need to think about dealing with global capitalism. 87. For government was occasioned by the needs of capitalism and the acquisitive mentality which capitalism produced. 88. Articulation of modes of production and dependency theories would view the continued use of these labor forms as beneficial to capitalism. 89. The Great War marked the beginning of the end of the era of liberal capitalism. 90. They have turned the world of industrial capitalism into a world of finance capitalism.