快好知 kuaihz

241) Therefore, we in translation time should deliberate carefully, discrete processing. 242) I believe that you sober up, you will forget everything. To deliberate or is forgotten. 243) The professor took a long, deliberate drag on his fivecent cigar. 244) That's a deliberate snub right back at Palm, especially since Apple qualified it by saying an IM app running push only reduced the iPhone's stand-by time by 23%. 245) It was a deliberate act of stealing. He is nothing less than a juvenile delinquent who commits deleterious acts. 246) When they entered the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh, the Vietnamese described the desolation of that city, and spoke of the deliberate mass murders, the forced evacuations. 247) Under deliberate oxygen potentials the thermodynamical equilibria in the system iron silicate slag-white metal-copper are investigated. 248) Below this major premise, a lot of people arrange ward in house place most inside more devious perhaps room, this is worth deliberate really. 249) A 2009 report issued by the Royal Society of London defines geoengineering as "the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate change. 250) Worrying mentality is a kind of mental state that people treat society and lives with rational, wide views and deliberate temper under the prod of the sense of mission and obligation. 251) The sentiment behind the utterance is undoubtedly a sincere and genuine one, free of any deliberate intent to patronise, but it was patronising nonetheless. 252) 40 years later scientists proved that the Piltdown man was a deliberate attempt at paleontological fraud. 253) According to the show's site "200 Adult Men Who Were Molested Come Forward" would air on Friday, November 5 but Harpo insists it was not deliberate.