miserable造句91. Would it be presumptuous of me to ask why you are so miserable?
92. The man and his wife lead a cat-and-dog life, and both are miserable.
93. She could not bear to see him so miserable and cast down.
94. The final two months were a miserable coda to de Gaulle's first period in office.
95. Pablo led a miserable existence when he first moved to San Juan.
96. Miserable, and unexpectedly lonely, she went in search of Jean-Paul.
97. What a miserable existence! How could anyone live in such dreadful conditions.
98. Their early success was succeeded by a period of miserable failure.
99. He was so miserable that he seriously thought about ending it all.
100. She was more miserable about not being miserable.
101. I am too miserable for words.
102. To be weak is miserable,Doing or suffering.John Milton
103. In doing that he makes himself miserable.
104. It lets me forget how miserable my life is.
105. He is having a miserable time.
106. The rest is miserable modern history.
107. How else can I stop myself from feeling miserable?
108. Beaches Miserable at being a second class citizen?
109. Factory workers during the 18th century led miserable lives.
110. And they are taught about Britain's unfailingly miserable climate.
111. Every day they became more miserable.
112. All that work for this miserable paycheck!
113. People are still malicious because they are miserable.
114. He sat all alone in his room, thoroughly miserable.
115. Donnie Green types were traders who made trainees miserable.
116. And Nat was like a running sore, crabby, miserable.
117. That I break his miserable china duck.
118. The poor miserable animals were starving, dirty and wet.
119. Montgomerie looked the sharpest fielder on a miserable day when tea was delivered to the fielders after one hour's play.
120. The truth of it was, as miserable as things were, I just wanted to say I had been there.