快好知 kuaihz

91. On it was a pale-faced corpse with an arm flipping over the edge of the stretcher. 92. When I used to read to you in bed you must have thought that Coleridge's mummified corpse was lying between us. 93. I feel like I have a corpse in the passenger seat. 94. The sudden, unprepared E Major Allegro that concludes the fourth and final movement seems a bit like kicking the corpse. 95. Rolling on to his back, he lay still as a corpse with only his face breaking the surface. 96. The corpse of a man lay there: red-haired, red-bearded, face long and marble-white. 97. So who had the chalk outline around their corpse on Tuesday night? 98. A week later villagers found the corpse of his eldest daughter, 12, by the creek. 99. He then forced Ranulf's hand close to that of the corpse. 100. Some became entranced by the strange room itself, its gurneys row on row, each one holding a sterile bagged corpse. 101. Everybody looked like a corpse, with black lips and red eyes, with faces a kind of leftover cooked-liver green. 102. My fingers are as white, alabaster white, as the hands of a corpse. 103. It unrolled as he tugged it across the bedroom floor, and inside was the blood-soaked corpse of Maria Shill. 104. When I passed the place again, half an hour afterwards, I found him a corpse. 105. My master stared at the flower curiously before bending over Ruthven's corpse. 106. Secondly, the royal corpse was mangled; it had been in the hands of embalmers and above ground for four years. 107. A few days later we passed the desiccated corpse of another brigand hanging on a gibbet beside the track. 108. If you send men into the forest you will find her frozen corpse in that cave she called her home. 109. The cut, and the white seeds oozing out, resembled the mouth of a corpse, filled with worms. 110. Another misapprehension about the corpse of the woman had to do with what Victor took to be her extraordinarily long fingernails. 111. He opened his mouth to speak, but saw the corpse stretched before him and shut it. 112. Brief peace settled over Ulthuan, like the shroud over a corpse. 113. A bell sounded in the church at Gushibov, either calling Gentiles to Mass or because they were carrying out a corpse. 114. You're the corpse in an English murder mystery. 115. The blackened, dried-out remains of a very ancient corpse. 116. They deposited the supposed corpse on the bier. 117. Brezhnev agreed that the corpse be destroyed. 118. Ashes of the corpse that stands, an unburied death. 119. The corpse will make almost everyone start back. 120. The corpse was laid out by the undertaker.