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31) Teller, of course, worked on the atom bomb and the H-bomb. 32) Every atom seeks equilibrium at the lowest energy level, giving off surplus energy as radiation. 33) The valency of an atom in a covalent molecule is the number of electrons shared by the atom in forming the bond. 34) Lakatos gives a fairly detailed account of Bohr's theory of the atom as another convincing example. 35) In exactly the same way, an atom such as a halogen atom in a covalent molecule can show spin-orbit coupling. 36) This would mean that the atom, and indeed all matter, should rapidly collapse to a state of very high density. 37) An antimatter atom that strays and touches the container wall would set off a chain-reaction annihilation. 38) Even a charge of conventional explosive in the vicinity of a small atom bomb would suffice. 39) And the amount the tip is moved reveals the height of the protuberance, even if it is only a single atom high. 40) The two orbiting electrons of the helium atom form a shell. 41) The non-crystallographic symmetry was established from the electron density and heavy atom sites. 42) The atom is there and when short-term oil surpluses vanish there will be pressure to build more nuclear power stations. 43) Any molecule with this group attached to a carbon atom is called an alcohol. 44) The image of the planetary Atom is printed on toys and on baseball caps. 45) However, a problem arose when one tried to use such theories to construct a model of the atom. 46) Negative ions can also be formed when an atom has an extra electron bolted on. 47) Britain has already accumulated enough nuclear waste to build 5,000 atom bombs. 48) This is illustrated in Figure 4. 2 which shows the hydrogen-to-carbon atom ratio of various hydrocarbon. 49) This is about the energy that would be released if a hydrogen atom could be totally converted into energy. 50) Carbon is the smallest atom in the fourth column of the periodic table of elements. 51) The positive charge of the protons generates an electrostatic field, which binds the negative electrons of the atom to the nucleus. 52) Is there a molecule that weighs the same as an oxygen atom? 53) Inside the bracket the symbol of the central atom is placed first. 54) The microcosm becomes the macrocosm: the key to the whole universe may well be hidden in one hydrogen atom. 55) An electrical pulse sends the atom to the tip of the microscope needle. 56) For a typical many-electron atom, such as Fe, we may divide the orbitals into three major categories. 57) If the recoiled atom is directed towards a neighbouring atom, a blocking cone is formed behind the neighbouring atom. 58) The sum of the masses of protons and neutrons is the atomic weight of the atom. 59) In a multi-electron atom, the lowest energy shells fill up first. 60) The result is an excluded volume behind the target atom into which no ions penetrate.