快好知 kuaihz

be fond of造句
1. Boys are fond of playing football. 2. He is fond of using high - sounding phrases. 3. Many people are fond of French cheeses. 4. He is fond of rambling among the trees. 5. I am fond of mushrooms. 6. I am fond of classic music. 7. Anne was fond of Tim, though he often annoyed her. 8. The girl is fond of shirts laced with silver. 9. My brother is fond of pointing out my mistakes. 10. They are fond of playing volleyball. 11. She was fond of pansying up. 12. Some people are fond of betting. 13. She is fond of collecting rare carpets. 14. My brother is fond of study. 15. He is fond of retailing the news. 16. She was fond of banging out. 17. He was fond of rapping with men of his age. 18. I've always been fond of poetry and one piece has always stuck in my mind. 19. He is fond of retracing the experiences of his youth. 20. Adults are fond of telling children that their years at school are the best days of their life. 21. But I believe you would be fond of him if he looked like your camel. 22. Trina professed to be fond of art. 23. I think my wife must be fond of them. 25. Be fond of warm, half shade and wet environment. 26. Grow characteristics: Be fond of warm and wet climate. 27. Mary to be fond of learning English. 28. When would you be fond of receiving the call? 29. Not to be fond of Children. 30. Make Japanese be fond of the regret China most 6 big giant star!