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31 A bone scan on Monday revealed a compression fracture in vertebrae in the middle of his back. 32 I felt only an extraordinary focusing of effort, a compression of my whole being into a unity of action. 33 Compression heats the air inside and ignites charred denim in the hollowed-out point. 34 A following wind which chilled the snow and made life complicated through the Compression troubled some of the top seed. 35 It can also be tuned to trade off video quality against compression speed. 36 Compression of this sort, practised more widely, might succeed in bringing the play over into a new medium. 37 Again, relatively high tensile strength may be accompanied by very poor compression characteristics. 38 The compression figures, whilst not particularly low, suggest that it may be camshaft wear. 39 Clients needing compression hosiery are measured accurately and given education. 40 For one thing, cable companies are ahead on certain technologies, such as digital compression. 41 It uses a Wavelet algorithm for video compression and provides compact disk quality audio and broadcast quality video. 42 This will be painful in disease of the hip joint but will never aggravate pain caused by root compression in the back. 43 We are characters in plots, without the compression and numinous sheen. 44 All is done in not much over an hour; and yet there is no sense of haste or excessive compression. 45 The use of ground anchors in tension and the glazing mullions as compression members resolves the forces from the cable-net. 46 Being in compression, the trailing edge hoops retained a natural shape. 47 Carboniferous sediments have been affected by low-amplitude Hercynian folding, Mesozoic rift faulting and Cretaceous inversion-related compression and fault re-activation. 48 It doesn't have error correction or data compression and for £249, I'd expect these features to be standard. 49 In free fall, only the force of gravity is acting so the body is not in compression. 50 Hard knee is great for bass guitar, when it's actually okay for the compression to be heard. 51 Texas Instruments, for example, is finding good success with applying data compression techniques to the training sets. 52 Pseudoaneurysms are caused by enzymatic digestion or local compression of the vessel by the pseudocyst. 53 Conclusion Hematoma compression and tracheomal acia etc. 54 I recently wrote an LZW compression and decompression procedures. 55 Discrete Wavelet Transform and image compression. 56 This compression is not dissipated by agents. 57 Walsh transform used for color image compression and decompression. 58 LZ algorithm is widely used in text compression. 59 Source and target table compression specifications must match. 60 Interested in selling torsion spring, compression spring.