快好知 kuaihz

1. Police had to evict demonstrators from the building. 2. The lessor can evict the lessee for failure to pay rent. 3. They had employed heavies to evict shop squatters from neighbouring sites. 4. They were to evict a couple and their three children from a rented house. 5. When the council sought to evict him for non-payment of the extra rent he pleaded in defence that the resolution was invalid. 6. Whether they will be allowed to evict their unwelcome, unsavoury, tenants, from belfries and elsewhere, is another matter. 7. The city needs to legally evict the owners before it can enter into another lease agreement. 8. If she tried to evict him an undignified struggle would only ensue and she wouldn't give him the satisfaction. 9. That provision allows owners to evict tenants if the unit is to be occupied by the owner or an immediate relative. 10. Repeated court action to evict the protesters has failed: they refuse to give their names and origins. 11. The landlord will evict him or raise his rent. 12. An error occurred attempting to evict node'% 1 '. 13. Failed to reset the enumerator during evict clean - up. This issue can be resolved using Cluster Administrator. 14. The police refused to evict them. The army refused to help. 15. Failed to reset the enumerator during evict clean - up. 16. A problem occurred when the wizard attempted to evict this node from the sponsor cluster. 17. They had to evict some gypsies today and I had to go and fence the area off. 18. Sheriff's deputies moved in before dawn Tuesday to evict the farmers from the 14-acre plot, a rare swath of green in the otherwise industrial belt between Alameda Street and Long Beach Avenue. 19. Because all the control lay with a central bureaucracy-the local housing authority-residents were powerless to enforce standards of behavior or evict criminals. 20. If her father did not pay his debts immediately, he said, he would evict father and daughter. 21. Twenty years ago, the police were coming down the street to evict everybody. 22. At civil law reasonable force may be used to evict a trespasser. 23. With a mixture of threats and promises, Halvorsen managed to evict his determined offspring, and led Floyd into the office. 24. The case is being brought by three councils who want to evict a group of travellers from their roadside home. 25. The local council cut electricity to the camp after failing to evict 3 the white squatters. 26. The proximate cause of the rift between the former Kyrgyz president and the Kremlin was his reneging on a deal to evict U.S. forces from a military base in Kyrgyzstan. 27. Someone wrote letter to tell bishop that Nebulas Flacon was a koradji and rascal. They wanted to evict him out of the Vyborg City. 28. For that reason, in your retryService method shown below, you can perform some simple retry logic to evict the LTinterface object from the local HashTable and call the serviceLocator method again. 29. The government always says it's for the greater good when they evict farmers from their land. 30. Bill feels sorry for the people he has to evict, too.