快好知 kuaihz

1. Silly mistakes often arouse ridicule. 2. We must arouse them to fight with enemies. 3. At dawn the farmers began to arouse. 4. We must arouse them to fight for their own emancipation. 5. There is nothing like a long walk to arouse the appetite. 6. Parked vehicles that arouse suspicion should be reported to the police. 7. The killings at the weekend helped arouse popular sentiment against the organization. 8. A pat humorous tale may sometimes arouse a big laugh. 9. The mere fact of your being there will arouse their suspicions. 10. Their persecution only serves to arouse the opposition of the people. 11. Which situations tend to arouse these emotions in you? 12. They were a device to arouse emotions. 13. Parked vehicles that arouse suspicion should be reported. 14. To place something else at the center may arouse fears that superstition and non-scientific ideas will attack an undefended citadel of science. 15. They are fascinating and frightening; they arouse anger and they are defiant. 16. So why do their activities arouse deep suspicion among tax authorities and police forces? 16.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 17. This, though, does arouse pity for Blanche as she does want to escape, by marrying Mitch. 18. The purpose of this chapter is to arouse your interest in thinking about the question. 19. We left in the daytime so as not to arouse suspicion. 20. The prime minister was concerned that such a move would arouse public hostility. 21. Apart from Mary, however, black images are too rare to arouse much comment or controversy. 22. In the current climate, any smooth and unambiguous unity of theory is likely to arouse suspicion. 23. A new consumer product must be introduced with a suitable advertising campaign to arouse an interest in it. 24. Describe fully what took place, in a way which will arouse the feelings and sympathy of your readers. 25. Polyneices took refuge in Argos and did all he could to arouse enmity against Thebes. 26. Unless your home is totally dilapidated, steer clear of a complete redecoration prior to selling: it will arouse suspicion. 27. Personenkreis 1-3 is not exactly the type of play that is guaranteed to arouse the enthusiasm of the critics. 28. The justification for Gloucester's assumption of power confused contemporaries and has continued to arouse controversy. 29. Once again, however, it took the fears engendered by the Boer War to arouse widespread interest in the issue. 30. Yet this considerable variation in organizational model appears to arouse remarkably little interest in its consequences.