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241. Encountered another " hairtail "! It had used to encounter a "red skin"train near Panjin North! 242. When children encounter difficulties in rule-base reasoning, they tend to demonstrate a "straight bias" and "colour prepotent responses". 243. The two most people encounter are leap year and daylight savings time. 244. During the Battle of Thule, the Harvester was targeted by Anakin Skywalker during the final encounter with the Dark Reaper. 245. More important, there is probably no bar on this earth in which you are more likely to encounter a bottle of aged Pappy. 246. First and foremost, you need to learn at what state of a request you encounter each ready state. 247. The encounter smudged into the same colorlessness of every other colorless moment in the colorless flow of time on the bridge. 248. Even if we had a superior, object-oriented system implementation, we would encounter some problems. 249. In a real gunfight, you are only going to be about half as good as you are on your best day on the training range, simply from the stress of a lethal encounter. 250. Not at all-you can find lots of useful info about the UX problems you encounter on a daily basis. 251. The Germans' second group game against the Balkan nation promises to be a fascinating encounter, not least because Friedrich's club-mate Gojko Kacar is likely to start in attack for the Serbians. 252. Turn a corner and encounter art: The"Mies van der Rohe With a Cigar" mural is on 919 N. 5th Street. 253. Keeping slag operation in steel making in revolver, with mang advantage and numerous economically benefits , may encounter the danger of melted slay pray when pouring melted iron. 254. However, as the design rule continuously shrank down beyond the 45 nm [/encounter.html], conventional planar CMOS devices encounter significant challenges. 255. Each person that we meet in life is a chance coincidence , and a unique encounter. 256. Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a target with an at-will attack power, you slide the target 2 squares to a space that must be adjacent to at least one of your allies. 257. A jaguar and a caiman battle in the pantanal region of brazil. eventually the big cat defeated the reptile in the vicious encounter, which was captured on camera by french photographer patrick fagot. 258. Where the policy attaches while the ship is in port, there is also an implied warranty that she shall, at the commencement of the risk, be reasonably fit to encounter the ordinary perils of the port. 259. "The main obstacle that we tend to encounter in developing refugee camps is digging of latrines," said Nic Iomahaird. 260. If you encounter negative mood, try to rechannel it into something good. This time, I used a little alchemy, turning the senstaion into lung capacity.