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(31) It would be insufficient to have one or a handful of ambassadors speaking effective language if, at the grassroots level, most hackers were making arguments that didn't work. (32) Extending democracy at the grassroots level is the groundwork for developing socialist democracy. (33) You can select new strategic pilots or adopt current grassroots efforts already under way. (34) The new regulation outlines departmental duties, an anti-smuggling assessment and accountability system, whistle-blower rewards and protection, as well as grassroots participation . (35) Private trade developed in China at the grassroots level, emerging from rural regions and prospering because it filled a vital need. (36) THE POLITICIAN WAS ABLE TO TAKE THE PULSE OF THE GRASSROOTS VOTERS WITHOUT BECOMING OVERLY ABSORBED. (37) Asia Catalyst is now accepting applications from IDU grassroots organizations in China interested in learning how to do community-based AIDS policy research to improve local policy. (38) Extensive efforts were made to improve public security at the grassroots level. (39) The Honey Bee Network in India, for example, openly shares information between a broad, informal group of grassroots entrepreneurs. (40) A major program of the International Finance Corporation is the Grassroots Business Initiative, headed by Harold Rosen. (41) But his compromises and the failings of Senate leaders to overcome the resistance of their obstructionist colleagues have destroyed much of the grassroots enthusiasm that existed a year ago. (42) How can we mobilize grassroots women to participate in the institutional mechanism? (43) For example, localization in title selecting, grassroots tendency and typification in characterization, and the traditional editing form with innovation. (44) Nearly all the crowd was white. Many had T-shirts supporting different tea-party organizations, a grassroots movement which opposes big government in non-military matters. (45) Now a grassroots movement wants Barack Obama to plant another White House victory garden. (46) Susan Brownell, a professor of anthropology at the University of Missouri-St Louis, said the Chinese state-supported athletic system narrowly focuses on Olympic medals rather than grassroots sports. (47) It is related to transformation of macro-politics and social management, frailty of rural economy, quality of cadres and grassroots and unsoundness of legal systems etc. (48) The construction of thoughts and system are necessary links in the construction of grassroots party. (49) Above all, he focuses on inspiring and nurturing grassroots action by the 15- to 29-year-old "Millennial" generation. (50) He is adored by the grassroots , so four months of hustings will suit him. (51) To realize the right of representation is a precondition and foundation of improving grassroots trade union work. (52) Number of grassroots trade unions since 2003 has been adjusted due to change in coverage. (53) Through questionnaires and spot field investigation, the water-saving consciousness and technology selection will of 102 grassroots farmers in Fengqiu County are analyzed in this paper. (54) And it will only grow from the grassroots , never from the top down. (55) The village lies in the province that is the first to test wide-ranging reforms to its "grassroots" medical system that will cost $125bn and offer new access to drugs and basic insurance. (56) The left-leaning grassroots organisation MoveOn described it as "grotesquely immoral". (57) That's the purpose of MayDay – a grassroots effort whose goal is to save our archives. (58) Previous grassroots media have existed for much smaller - sized selections of people. (59) He said local trade unions should be responsible for teaching grassroots organizations about collective bargaining, which some leaders do not know how to do effectively. (60) Grassroots Uganda's products are available in some stores, including Silver Annie's in Bozeman and Butterfly Herbs in Missoula.