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trial and error造句
1, Many drugs were found by trial and error. 2, It was largely a matter of trial and error. 3, We discovered the ideal mix of paint by trial and error. 4, Children learn to use computer programs by trial and error. 5, Science progresses by trial and error. 6, The clock clicks its tongue ... trial and error. 7, Some had to learn by trial and error. 8, These are things we learn by trial and error. 9, He learned everything just by trial and error. 10, We learn from our mistakes. Science progresses by trial and error. 11, After a day of trial and error, triumph and tantrum, our baby's down and milky calm. 12, They learned to farm the land through trial and error. 13, Mostly through o-j-t, trial and error, gut feel, and mistakes. 14, The pupils learn by trial and error,[http:///trial and error.html] by using the programs in context. 15, Through trial and error you need to establish what times suit you best and then keep to them. 16, Designs resulting largely from trial and error remained virtually unchanged over 200 years. 17, Each individual achieves his own style by trial and error. 18, He learned technical skills by trial and error. 19, I learned most of what I know about gardening through trial and error. 20, Getting the effect you want is a matter of trial and error. 21, There's no instant way of finding a cure - it's just a process of trial and error. 22, They didn't know how to put in a central heating system, but they managed it by trial and error. 23, Each of the educators and programs in these pages developed over countless hours of experimentation and trial and error. 24, In any case, they were confident these minor bugs could be worked out through trial and error. 25, Behind virtually every significant performance breakthrough lies a trail of trial and error, qualified triumph, and failed experimentation. 26, The early use of X-rays and radium for the treatment of cancer was very much a matter of trial and error. 27, It pointed out that: Everything seems to be done by trial and error. 28, Until recently, their quest for the next best seller drug relied wholly on laborious physical trial and error. 29, I did the tutorial that came with the package deal and learned a lot through trial and error. 30, But even that cannon had to go through an initial stage of trial and error.