快好知 kuaihz

(1) If those two wires touch, the appliance will short-circuit and probably go up in flames. (2) These advances were the result of the intellectual appliance of science. (3) The precise form of the appliance is not stated. (4) Stop using the appliance and get it seen to. (5) What's more, it tends to suffer from domestic appliance interference. (6) Firemen believe a new electrical appliance may have started the blaze. (7) According to Network Appliance, FAServer is the first implementation of a new direction for network file servers called file server appliances. (8) A kitchen appliance part today injection-molded from plastic then would have been cast from iron. (9) A sensor in the appliance detects motion or touch, and starts the timer as soon as the appliance is put down. (10) Don't dry tea towels above cookers, or trail appliance flexes across hotplates. (11) To remove melted plastic from an appliance, unplug appliance and dab off spot with nail polish remover. (12) You then plug your appliance into the adaptor - absolutely no wiring or electrical know-how is needed. (13) Im: Outdoor Furniture, Electric Heating Appliance, etc. (14) Safety equipment and labor protection appliance management on site. (15) Use the appliance only to warm meals and ovenware. (16) Hi , Steve! How's the kitchen appliance business? (17) The working principle of electrostriction appliance is explained briefly. (18) Study of Kelong Electric Appliance Marketing Channel. (19) Police: China home appliance tycoon under investigation. (20) The fire stemed from light stricken by the electrical appliance. (21) Mr Coffee will cop to the situation by engaging only the five basic universal appliance functions that every school child will know. (22) It had evolved into a powerful but unintimidating small appliance for organizing and sharing information. (23) Replace any flexes that have damaged insulation with new flex of the correct type and current rating for the appliance concerned. (24) With such an awesome technology at our beck and call we tend to view television like any other appliance. (25) Now this only leaves the mysterious problem of the advice that comes with nearly every NiCad driven appliance. (26) At the other end of the spectrum is the so-called Internet appliance, the very low-cost device for just surfing the Net. (27) Hundreds of smaller chains and stores went out of business, many hurt by price wars waged by appliance chains. (28) Has the size of your household changed since the last time you bought a kitchen appliance? (29) With a simple T-piece you may need clamps to adjust air flow to each appliance. (30) They thus increasingly promoted this alternative means of easing the financial burden of appliance ownership.