快好知 kuaihz

1. I adopted a positive outlook on life. 2. I wish you'd be more positive. 3. I'm absolutely positive it was him. 4. The report ended on a positive note. 5. I hope u'll be more positive overall. 6. We have no positive proof of her guilt. 7. I hope you'll be more positive in every way. 8. The negotiations have been conducted in a positive manner. 10. Only one witness could make a positive identification. 11. I am positive that I gave you his address. 12. The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative. 13. You've got to be more positive about your work. 14. It was generally a positive conversation. 15. The man's worse than irritating, he's a positive menace! 16. On the positive side, profits have increased. 17. A positive pregnancy test soon confirmed her intuitive feelings. 18. Even innocuous substances can sometimes register a positive result in a drug test. 19. If you start with one small, positive thing and repeat it during the course of your day, you will begin to move into a more positive situation: positive thoughts, feelings, opportunities and people will start showing up in your life. With practice, you will find that over time, you will change your outlook and choose to be happy, irregardless of the events around you. 20. Positive active mind essential. 21. She made very positive noises at the interview about me getting the job. 22. Be positive about your future and get on with living a normal life. 23. A positive attitude will have positive results,because attitudes are contagious. 24. When we start with a positive attitude and view themselves as successful when we start a success. 25. Are you positive you saw me switch the iron off? 26. With close friends in their lives,people develop courage and positive attitudes.Teenagers have the moral support to assert their individuality;the elderly approach their advanced years with optimism and an interest in life. 27. You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining. 28. Mr Norris said he was hopeful that his request would elicit a positive response. 29. Without doubt, the national bourgeoisie tends to vacillate, but we should, nevertheless, make use of its positive side, uniting with it as well as struggling against it. 30. An electron has a negative charge, a proton has a positive charge.